All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 103 Sort by: Title | Date Public Worship and the Christian Life A podcast produced by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Audio | Podcast | December 18, 2023 Neither Death, Nor Life The virtual choir from Worship Symposium 2021 singing Marty Haugen's "Neither Death, Nor Life" in English, Korean, Cantonese, Spanish, and Indonesian. Musical Composition | Video | January 27, 2021 10 Ideas to Continue the Learning from the Calvin Symposium on Worship Consider one or more of these ideas to extend the learning from the online Symposium on Worship all year long. News Item | January 26, 2021 Forgiveness and the Worship and Witness of the Church This conversation with Célestin Musekura and Satrina Reid will engage the topic of forgiveness and its role in the worshiping community and how forgiveness and reconciliation affects our witness to the world. Video | January 22, 2021 Why Church? A Session for College and University Students This interactive session is for all college and university students and invites young leaders to voice the role of church in today’s context, and then to explore how their leadership in the church is essential. Video | January 12, 2021 Six Earthkeeping Conversation Tips Since Christians disagree on climate change, you may think it’s best to agree to disagree. But these six tips can help you find common ground for taking positive action. It all starts with conversation. Feature Story | January 05, 2021 Creation’s Sabbath Economic lockdowns and pauses during the coronavirus pandemic offer glimpses of a renewed world. Despite COVID-19’s horrific effects, Christians can choose to reframe their lives in light of the sabbath rest that God intends for all creation. Feature Story | January 05, 2021 Embracing Uncertainty: A Session for Seminarians and Graduate Students The uncertainty of when this pandemic will end and who we will be post-pandemic leaves each of us feeling unresolved. This session is for all seminarians and academics in graduate school to come together to explore how we can be formed to embrace and thrive in uncertain times. Video | January 04, 2021 Psalm 9 (and others): God’s Grand Story and the Communion Cross This interpretation of portions of Psalm 9 and various other psalms was created and submitted by Barbara Sartorius Bjelland and focuses on how God’s grand story of redemption of all creation is woven into the psalms. Feature Story | Image | December 23, 2020 Psalm 95: Vengan, cantemos al Señor / Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord Canción de alabanza inspirada en el Salmo 95. / A setting of Psalm 95 that was submitted by Gerardo Oberman. This setting is a song of praise. Musical Composition | Video | December 23, 2020 Psalm 90:1 –2: From Everlasting to Everlasting This setting of Psalm 90:1 –2 was created and submitted by Regina Jupp and focuses on the idea that even in chaos we can find rest in our everlasting God. Image | December 23, 2020 Psalm 36: The Light of Grace This setting of Psalm 36 was submitted by Imanol Mino, and focuses on the grace of God. Image | December 23, 2020 Psalm 8:5–8 and 22:10: Whale Song This interpretation of Psalm 8:5–8; 22:10 [The Message] was created and submitted by Barbara Sartorius Bjelland. The psalm imagery combines the transcendence of God the Creator with the immanence of God, who holds all things together with tender hands. Image | December 23, 2020 Psalm 18: Mi salvador / My Savior Esta interpretación del salmo 18 fue presentada por Andrea Armoa. Plasma un momento tormentoso donde Dios acude en nuestra ayuda. / This interpretation of Psalm 18 was presented by Andrea Armoa. It depicts a stormy moment where God comes to our aid. Image | December 23, 2020 Psalm 71: I Will Always Have Hope This setting of Psalm 71, written and submitted by Ken Michell, focuses on the rich connection between hope and praise. Musical Composition | Video | December 22, 2020 Psalm 9: Trust in You This song based on Psalm 9 was submitted by Joel Jupp, who wrote and recorded the song, and it expresses our reliance upon the Lord’s sovereignty in the midst of uncertainty. Musical Composition | Video | December 22, 2020 Psalm 85: Grant Us Your Peace, Lord Psalm 85, “Grant Us Your Peace, Lord,” submitted by Yongjiang Zhou, was written by Jacques Berthier and focuses on peace. Musical Composition | Video | December 22, 2020 Psalm 57: Awake Up, My Glory “Awake up, my glory” is a setting of Psalm 57 [KJV]. Sungji Hong wrote the music and submitted the setting. This text is a call for all of creation to joyfully praise the Lord our God. I tried to capture this idea of joy at God’s unmerited goodness and grace. Musical Composition | Video | December 22, 2020 Psalm 8: Oh Lord, Our Lord, How Majestic This setting of Psalm 8 was composed and submitted by Josh Rodriguez. It is a musical response to the opening lines of this psalm. Musical Composition | Video | December 22, 2020 Psalm 89:1–18: Bless the Lord Forever, Amen This setting of Psalm 89:1–18 was written and submitted by Ken Michell. It focuses on God’s covenant community praising him for his love and faithfulness. Musical Composition | Video | December 22, 2020 1 2 3 ... Next »