Cuaresma: reflexión sobre nuestra mortalidad y la vida después de la vida
Los cuarenta días previos a la pascua son días que la tradición cristiana ha considerado como días de reflexión sobre nuestra mortalidad (“somos polvo y al polvo volveremos”) sobre nuestros sufrimientos, nuestros pecados y la necesidad de volvernos a Dios para ser restaurados y tener una nueva vida.
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Reuben Kigame on Music that Expresses the Full Gospel
Not many churches in Africa or elsewhere often include songs about social justice in worship. Kenyan scholar and musician Reuben Kigame believes that re-examining what the Bible says about justice and the good news should shift what we define as music appropriate for worship.
Nurturing Intergenerational Worship through Song
Lilly Endowment Inc. encourages intergenerational worship through its Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. Worshiping together can include not only music, but prayer, scripture, drama, visual arts, movement, testimony, and sacraments. However, these three grant projects include or spotlight children’s songs or songwriting for children.
Ten Tips for Writing Worship Songs for Children
Lilly Endowment Inc. encourages intergenerational worship through its Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. Worshiping together can include prayer, music, scripture, drama, visual arts, movement, testimony, and sacraments. Three grant projects include children’s worship music or songwriting for children to create immersive intergenerational worship experiences.
Reuben Kigame on Music that Expresses the Full Gospel
Not many churches in Africa or elsewhere often include songs about social justice in worship. Kenyan scholar and musician Reuben Kigame believes that re-examining what the Bible says about justice and the good news should shift what we define as music appropriate for worship.
Nurturing Intergenerational Worship through Song
Lilly Endowment Inc. encourages intergenerational worship through its Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. Worshiping together can include not only music, but prayer, scripture, drama, visual arts, movement, testimony, and sacraments. However, these three grant projects include or spotlight children’s songs or songwriting for children.
Ten Tips for Writing Worship Songs for Children
Lilly Endowment Inc. encourages intergenerational worship through its Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. Worshiping together can include prayer, music, scripture, drama, visual arts, movement, testimony, and sacraments. Three grant projects include children’s worship music or songwriting for children to create immersive intergenerational worship experiences.
Desde los márgenes: Servir a los marginados ¿Cómo ser discípulos de Jesús hoy?
Este mes haremos un repaso de las enseñanzas y acciones compasivas de Jesús a favor de los marginados. Las bienaventuranzas y milagros de Jesús nos muestran el desafío de ser discípulos de Jesús hoy.