All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 20 Sort by: Title | Date Children and Worship Showcase A showcase highlighting the importance of including children in meaningful ways in worship, both in the main worship space and in other age-appropriate, unique worship spaces. Topic Showcase | August 03, 2022 Disability within Faith Communities A showcase of books and articles related to worship and disabilites Topic Showcase | March 02, 2022 Pearl Shangkuan: Ten Favorite Choral Settings on Psalm 23 In observance of the Good Shepherd Sunday, the fourth Sunday of the Easter season, Pearl Shangkuan, director of choral activities at Calvin University, shares her ten favorite choral settings on Psalm 23. Audio | Topic Showcase | April 20, 2020 Trauma-Informed Care in Church Worship and Life This topic showcase highlights resources to help churches use trauma-informed practices in church worship and congregational life. Faith communities are more effective when they become more aware of adverse childhood experiences, collective trauma, and other tragedy. Topic Showcase | March 24, 2020 Becoming a Trauma-Informed Faith Community Resources to help churches and other faith communities do ministry with people affected by adverse childhood experiences or other trauma. Topic Showcase | March 19, 2020 Mental Illness and Christian Worship This topic showcase highlights resources for including people with mental illnesses in worship. Congregations that renew their worship to become more inclusive discover that everyone benefits. Topic Showcase | October 30, 2018 Mental Illnesses and the Church’s Calling This topic showcase highlights resources to help churches reclaim their role in including and befriending people who live with mental illnesses. Topic Showcase | October 29, 2018 Older Adults and Worship This topic showcases opportunities for churches to nurture faith formation in, by and with aging adults. Topic Showcase | October 05, 2016 Speech Communication in Worship A showcase featuring some thoughtful resources that can help all who participate in worship through public speaking do so hospitably, succinctly, wisely, and with imagination. Topic Showcase | June 14, 2016 Getting Started with the Christian Year Any church leadership team that hopes to increase the observance of the Christian year in their congregation will first need to identify how much shaping influence this practice has at present. Topic Showcase | February 16, 2015 Adoración y culto cristiano Recursos para reflexionar sobre la adoración cristiana y para crear cultos congregacionales que sean sólidamente bíblicos, trinitarios, dialógicos, hospitalarios, y excelentes. Topic Showcase | August 04, 2014 Planning Worship with Teens Showcase This showcase gathers up several resources to help you teach young people about worship. Many of these resources have been adapted from the Worship Apprentice program developed at Calvin College. Topic Showcase | December 02, 2013 Dealing with Moral Injury A showcase on the concept of moral injury in war and the responses and tools of religious communities. Topic Showcase | April 12, 2013 Writing Content for Congregations The written communication of your congregation has great potential to bless members, newcomers, and the community. Your congregation has unique stories of the love and care of God. It is worth your while to evaluate and tweak current church content and write new materials. Doing so will help people grow together in becoming more like Christ. Topic Showcase | May 02, 2012 Visual Arts: Images and the Screen Where does one begin when planning visuals for projection? Google searching images for a service can be daunting task with so much stuff to sift through. Topic Showcase | April 13, 2012 Visual Arts: Architecture and Liturgical Art This showcase will explore resources to help you think in new ways about your worship environment, the architecture and the permanent or temporary visual installations that can not only enhance our praise and prayer but be praise and prayer. Topic Showcase | February 29, 2012 Vertical Habits: Worship and Our Faith Vocabulary Vertical Habits is a name given to the process of connecting words used in our relationship with people with words used to express these emotions to God. The biblical Psalms are the foundational mentor and guide in this vocabulary and grammar for worship. Topic Showcase | January 10, 2012 Psalms in Worship The Psalms are a font of inspiration, encouragement, and instruction in the life of both public and private prayer. Topic Showcase | October 17, 2011 Planning Worship Series Ahead Worship planned in series provides for a greater cumulative impact on the spiritual life of a congregation as a theme is continually reinforced. Topic Showcase | September 01, 2011 Leadership in Times of Change Change is always happening in the church, whether we like it or not! The challenge for leaders is to manage that change in ways that lead to greater health in their congregations, rather than conflict and discontent. Topic Showcase | April 06, 2011