Demetrius K. Williams: African American Christians Enlarged the Meaning of the Cross
Through spirituals, freedom narratives, conversion accounts, and Black preaching, enslaved African Americans shared the embodied hope of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Like Paul, they proclaimed that the power of the cross of Christ should advance how the church participates in and quests for a more just and equitable world.
Cultural Values in Ministry
Developed in partnership with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Calvin University School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, this online course equips leaders of all types of ministries with practical tools for relating well to people from a variety of cultures. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to a healthy ministry.
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Mark Stover on Choral Music as Pastoral Ministry
Singing in a good choir is aesthetically satisfying. But choral directors have the opportunity to do so much more. Mark Stover explains how do pastoral ministry in and through choral ensembles. This includes choosing anthems that promote social justice in ways that express God’s wide welcome.
Demetrius K. Williams: Reclaiming the Full Power of the Cross
Probably every Christian knows that Paul preached about the power of the cross of Christ for personal salvation. But Christians often miss Paul’s discourse on the power of the cross of Christ to bring about social transformation. Reclaiming the full power of the cross should bring about unity and equality—in body, soul, mind, spirit, and voice—in the body of Christ and society.
El poder para crear una vida plena y vencer a los poderes malignos del mundo
En su bautismo, Jesús es ungido por el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, para dar vida en abundancia a todas las personas en medio del caos y la muerte. En sus tentaciones, Jesús renuncia a los poderes económicos, religiosos y políticos, y al asumir una vida de servicio, justicia y misericordia, los vence y conquista.
Mark Stover on Choral Music as Pastoral Ministry
Singing in a good choir is aesthetically satisfying. But choral directors have the opportunity to do so much more. Mark Stover explains how do pastoral ministry in and through choral ensembles. This includes choosing anthems that promote social justice in ways that express God’s wide welcome.
Demetrius K. Williams: Reclaiming the Full Power of the Cross
Probably every Christian knows that Paul preached about the power of the cross of Christ for personal salvation. But Christians often miss Paul’s discourse on the power of the cross of Christ to bring about social transformation. Reclaiming the full power of the cross should bring about unity and equality—in body, soul, mind, spirit, and voice—in the body of Christ and society.
El poder para crear una vida plena y vencer a los poderes malignos del mundo
En su bautismo, Jesús es ungido por el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, para dar vida en abundancia a todas las personas en medio del caos y la muerte. En sus tentaciones, Jesús renuncia a los poderes económicos, religiosos y políticos, y al asumir una vida de servicio, justicia y misericordia, los vence y conquista.
W. David O. Taylor on the Collect, an Ancient Prayer Form
You’ve probably heard that we should take all of ourselves to God in prayer. But does God really care about doing laundry, aging rapidly, fighting traffic, or spending time with friends? God does care, according to W. David O. Taylor. His Prayers for the Pilgrimage: A Book of Collects for All of Life offers prayers about mundane sorrows and joys.