
Ken Boer on Scripture Memorization Methods

Memorizing Bible verses and passages can enrich family, school, and church communities. Internalizing God’s Word, whether by music or another method, helps Christians meditate, pray, and grow closer together with God and each other.

May 17, 2023

Aprender sobre la adoración integral a Dios en Efesios

Efesios es una carta que empodera a los cristianos para vivir fieles al Señor Jesús ante un imperio que intentaba conquistar el corazón de sus súbditos para adorar a César y su imperio. Efesios les recuerda a los cristianos que su identidad, visión y misión en el mundo se derivan del Señor soberano del mundo y no de César.

April 10, 2023 | 1 min read

La Bendición en el Antiguo Testamento

En el culto público, la bendición es un componente indispensable de la liturgía. Podemos decir que cada iglesia, independientemente de su tradición teológica y denominacional, ha hecho de la bendición parte del culto público, por lo general, al final del culto.

February 27, 2023 | 12 min read
Lent Resource Guide

This list of Lenten art, music, devotions, liturgies, books, and sermons will help you plan worship for Lent and includes resources for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.

February 20, 2023 | 2 min read

Worship Service: Our Identity in Christ Alone

A worship service based on Colossians 3:1-11. The service is led by Danny Román-Gloró, preaching; James Abbington; Brandon A. Boyd; an orchestra from Calvin Christian High School [Grandville, Michigan] directed by Karel deWaal Malefyt; and an orchestra from Grand Rapids Christian High School [Grand Rapids, Michigan] directed by Cyndi Betts and Erin DeYoung.

February 10, 2023 | 1 min read
Metanarratives and Identity: The Challenge and Opportunity of Colossians

In this session Scott Hoezee talks with Marianne Meye Thompson about her Colossians commentary and most particularly about the sweeping claims Paul makes regarding Christ. How does Paul's metanarrative fit in a world that promotes not one, but a diversity of stories, and how does Paul's call to find our identity in the Christ of this grand narrative sound to people today? The session also explores how to preach and teach this message in our present context.

February 10, 2023 | 70 min video
Worship Service: A Chosen and Thankful People

A service of the word and table based on Colossians 3:12-17. The service is led by Laura de Jong, preaching; Ron Rienstra; and Western Theological Seminary Chapel Stewards, past and present [Holland, Michigan].

February 10, 2023 | 1 min read