Rosemary Apol-Hoezee on Dementia and Worship
Chaplains have been using the Evening Star worship manual in memory care facilities for almost twenty years. The second edition incorporates new research on dementia to create a worship model that is even better at engaging people who live with dementia.
Rosemary Apol-Hoezee on Dementia and Inclusion
People who’ve served and attended churches faithfully often feel isolated when their cognition declines—and so do their caregivers. Your congregation can take simple steps to become more dementia friendly.
Latest Round of CICW Grants to Fund 37 Worship and Preaching Renewal Projects
Vital Worship, Vital Preaching grants fund new projects for worshiping communities and teacher-scholars.
Lisa Allen-McLaurin on the OneWord Worship Model
Lisa Allen offers an approach to worship planning that centers on the transformative power of holistic biblical worship.
Grants Will Fund Projects to Revitalize Worship and Preaching
The newest wave of Vital Worship, Vital Preaching grants will fund 54 projects across the United States and Canada starting Jan. 1, 2024.
Children and Youth Can Dwell in the Word Too
Dwelling in the Word is a tool for helping people of all ages—even children—to read and reflect on the Bible together. Doing so helps them to see the Bible as an ongoing story in which God invites us to participate in God’s mission for the world.
Creating a Sense of Belonging with Youth in Worship and Church Life
What does it mean to be religious? Spiritual? How does a sense of place, identity, culture, and embodied engagement relate to a young person’s sense of belonging to Christ’s church, including the public worship gathering? We will explore these questions and share stories about how young people actively participate in the life of the church.
46 Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants Awarded
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW) announces with gratitude forty-six new Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants to recipients across the United States and Canada, including five Teacher-Scholar grants and forty-one Worshiping Communities grants.
Herbert H. Tsang on the Beauty of Low-Tech Connections
COVID-19, “the triple pandemic,” and future universal health threats will continue to prevent many congregants, especially senior members, from attending worship in person. But for those willing to put up with some “holy messiness,” Herbert H. Tsang offers low-tech solutions to connect, sing, and worship together.
Intergenerational Worship in Global Contexts
Psalm 148 describes a compelling vision of “young and old together” in worship. In every cultural context, there are unique challenges and opportunities in realizing this vision. Come learn from leaders from four continents about how each generation is invited to participate and contribute to worship—and what barriers, challenges, and changes they are experiencing in their contexts. Come away with new questions to ask about your context—and cross-cultural wisdom to share.
Sharing Hymn Stories Invites Worshipers into Experience
Knowing more about the hymns they are singing helps worshipers feel more connected to God and each other in the universal body of Christ that spans all times and places.
Katie Ritsema-Roelofs on Intentional Work for Intergenerational Worship and Community
In this episode, worship planner and musician Katie Ritsema-Roelofs shares about the importance of thoughtful and intentional ways the whole congregation can join in the formational work of intergenerational, corporate worship.