All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 19 of 19 Sort by: Title | Date Lindsay Wieland Capel on Recognizing and Overcoming Ableism in Churches Many congregations don’t realize that the way they arrange their space, talk in worship, or define giftedness and leadership speaks volumes to people with different bodies and minds. The message is: “We don’t see you as a welcomed and valued member of Christ’s body.” Conversation | February 21, 2024 Lindsay Wieland Capel on Disability and Universal Design Many ideas for welcoming and including people with disabilities are remarkably simple. These changes turn out to be good for everyone in church worship and congregational life. Conversation | February 21, 2024 Keith M. Douds on Creating Safe Space for Church Groups Church retreats, church governance meetings, and church small groups require honesty, vulnerability, and transparency to collectively draw closer to God. Psychologist Keith M. Douds explains how and when to step in with grace and preserve safety so that everyone has a chance to share and be listened to. Conversation | September 01, 2023 The Fruit of the Spirit, Mental Health Crises, and Our Practices of Christian Worship In a world of anxiety, depression, and fatigue, how do we both explain and invite people into experiences of profound joy, peace, and gentleness? Where do our practices of worship—our preaching, singing, praying, and communing—contribute to our mental health crises? How might these very practices become means of grace that bring healing and hope? And how might this be true for people in very different generational contexts? Video | February 09, 2023 Victoria White on Inclusion in Circles of Congregations All Belong will keep helping congregations become welcoming communities for people of all abilities, especially through its innovative Circle of Congregations for Teaching and Learning program. Conversation | January 19, 2021 Trauma-Informed Care in Church Worship and Life This topic showcase highlights resources to help churches use trauma-informed practices in church worship and congregational life. Faith communities are more effective when they become more aware of adverse childhood experiences, collective trauma, and other tragedy. Topic Showcase | March 24, 2020 Becoming a Trauma-Informed Faith Community Resources to help churches and other faith communities do ministry with people affected by adverse childhood experiences or other trauma. Topic Showcase | March 19, 2020 Trauma-Informed Worship: Address Trauma to Begin Healing Most pastors realize that people come to church with deep fears, sorrows, and concerns that often remain unexpressed in worship. But because Mount Aery Baptist Church has worked to become a trauma-informed congregation, its worship services are becoming a communal place of healing. Feature Story | November 12, 2019 Seven Self-Care Tips for Clergy Who Engage Trauma Clergy and other church leaders called to engage trauma must also practice self-care, or they will burn out and be less effective in helping those who need to address and heal from trauma. These tips help congregants as well, relieving pressure on clergy and church leaders. Article | October 30, 2019 Sherrye Willis and Angela Johnson on Faith-Based Healing from Trauma Ten African American churches in Texas are focusing on helping youth understand and heal from trauma. This knowledge helps adults become more aware of their own trauma and is changing worship practices. Conversation | October 15, 2019 Trauma-Informed Congregations and Worship: Being Made Whole Becoming a trauma-informed congregation means helping people learn, talk, and grieve about what happened to them. Worship can provide a safe space for people to nurture trusting relationships and accept God's healing grace. Feature Story | October 02, 2019 Four Types of Advent and Christmas Eve Services: Which Have You Tried? Experimenting with a different Advent or Christmas Eve worship format may help worshipers connect with the joy and wonder of Christ’s birth. Blue Christmas, Christmas pageants, Las Posadas, or lessons and carols make room for emotions, movement, culture, and people’s gifts. Feature Story | November 15, 2018 Mental Illness and Christian Worship This topic showcase highlights resources for including people with mental illnesses in worship. Congregations that renew their worship to become more inclusive discover that everyone benefits. Topic Showcase | October 30, 2018 Mental Illnesses and the Church’s Calling This topic showcase highlights resources to help churches reclaim their role in including and befriending people who live with mental illnesses. Topic Showcase | October 29, 2018 Beyond Stigma to Hospitality: Creating a Gracious Space for People with Mental Illness Worship and fellowship are sometimes difficult for people with mental illness because few people understand their experience and their needs in worship. Audio | March 13, 2018 Mental Health and the Practice of Christian Public Worship: An Exploratory Conversation Sessions related to mental health are not a common feature of many conferences on worship. Yet mental-health-related concerns affect as many as one in five people at any given time, with one of every twenty-five people living with serious mental health challenges. More than four in ten people in the United States experiences a psychological disorder in their lifetime. What we say or fail to say about these challenges in worship settings can be profoundly formative for how Christian communities respond to these challenges Audio | February 13, 2018 Warren Kinghorn on Mental Health and Christian Worship It is far more common to hear about physical ailments than mental ones in congregational prayers and worship. Psychiatrist Warren Kinghorn explains why mental health issues and people with mental illness should be acknowledged in Christian worship. Conversation | February 06, 2018 Warren Kinghorn on Mental Illness and Our Deepest Identity We hear a lot about using person-first language. Yet it is still common to label people with their mental health diagnosis. Christians and churches can offer another way to describe our common human identity. Conversation | February 06, 2018 Worship and Mental Health What we say or fail to say about mental health concerns in worship settings can be profoundly formative for how Christian communities respond to these challenges. Article | January 04, 2018