All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 33 Sort by: Title | Date Being the Bridge Between Community and Church in Nepal Higher Ground Nepal is a social enterprise that includes people from all walks of life in Nepal. Proselytizing is not allowed in Nepal, but when people see others living as the genuine presence of Christ in people’s situations, it makes a difference. Feature Story | September 02, 2024 Celebrating Christian Worship with Lament in Nepal Nepali Reformed Churches pastor Arbin Pokharel often describes worship as helping worshipers reenact their identity as God’s people. Doing so honestly means including hospitality, healing, prayer, celebration, and lament. Feature Story | September 02, 2024 Lent Resource Guide This list of Lenten art, music, devotions, liturgies, books, and sermons will help you plan worship for Lent and includes resources for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. Resource Guide | February 20, 2023 Trauma-Informed Care in Church Worship and Life This topic showcase highlights resources to help churches use trauma-informed practices in church worship and congregational life. Faith communities are more effective when they become more aware of adverse childhood experiences, collective trauma, and other tragedy. Topic Showcase | March 24, 2020 Becoming a Trauma-Informed Faith Community Resources to help churches and other faith communities do ministry with people affected by adverse childhood experiences or other trauma. Topic Showcase | March 19, 2020 Trauma-Informed Worship: Address Trauma to Begin Healing Most pastors realize that people come to church with deep fears, sorrows, and concerns that often remain unexpressed in worship. But because Mount Aery Baptist Church has worked to become a trauma-informed congregation, its worship services are becoming a communal place of healing. Feature Story | November 12, 2019 Mandy Smith on The Vulnerable Pastor Christian leaders, especially pastors, sometimes feel bad about the gap between their ideal of Christlike ministry and the reality. Pastor Mandy Smith explains that honestly accepting vulnerabilities and human limitations makes room for God’s strength to be revealed in people and congregations. Conversation | November 05, 2019 Seven Self-Care Tips for Clergy Who Engage Trauma Clergy and other church leaders called to engage trauma must also practice self-care, or they will burn out and be less effective in helping those who need to address and heal from trauma. These tips help congregants as well, relieving pressure on clergy and church leaders. Article | October 30, 2019 Anthony L. Bennett on Engaging Trauma in Sermons Many urban pastors deal with trauma. Some preach without benefit of pay or formal training. This Baptist church gathered its associate ministers monthly to learn about trauma and exegete Scripture to engage people hungry for healing and justice. Conversation | October 30, 2019 Sherrye Willis and Angela Johnson on Faith-Based Healing from Trauma Ten African American churches in Texas are focusing on helping youth understand and heal from trauma. This knowledge helps adults become more aware of their own trauma and is changing worship practices. Conversation | October 15, 2019 Trauma-Informed Congregations and Worship: Being Made Whole Becoming a trauma-informed congregation means helping people learn, talk, and grieve about what happened to them. Worship can provide a safe space for people to nurture trusting relationships and accept God's healing grace. Feature Story | October 02, 2019 When Helping Heals: Affirming Global Service in our Churches Providing charitable support and development assistance to people in need can and does work, but, like any important activity, we must learn how to do it well. Article | August 22, 2017 When Helping Heals: An Economist and Political Scientist Affirm Global Service Is it possible to work in international development without hurting those we are helping? Audio | July 05, 2017 The Economies of Pentecost: Postcolonial Reflections on Pastoral Care, Healing, and Christian Worship An annotated research guide from the field of practical theology, focusing on pastoral care and the African American experience Resource Guide | February 24, 2017 Tom Swieringa on Cooperating in Intercessory Prayer Tom Swieringa co-leads Wyoming Kingdom Enterprise Zone, a church multiplication initiative by Reformed and Christian Reformed churches in Wyoming, Michigan. He has pastored and planted churches in Iowa, Michigan, South Dakota, and Texas. In this edited conversation, he talks about cooperating with God in intercessory prayer, during worship and beyond. Conversation | October 26, 2012 Healing and Worship The season of Lent is a good time to be intentional about incorporating prayers for healing into worship and to offer a special service of prayers for healing and restoration. Article | March 10, 2011 Service Order of Prayers for Healing A useful resource to order a service for prayers of healing Article | March 10, 2011 Music and Worship Help Heal Northern Ireland The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is using music and worship to overcome the legacy of "the Trouble" in Northern Ireland. You can apply their insights to political and other differences that divide Christians in your context. A feature story exploring the role of music and worship in healing. Feature Story | June 19, 2009 Healing in Worship: Hospitality that welcomes everyone as they are Though you might associate "heal" with "cure," healing in worship is broader. Whether through prayer, hospitality, communion, or laying on hands, it helps people become more whole. Feature Story | February 01, 2008 Worship in Difficult Times All congregations experience crises, transitions, and conflicts. Worship will be affected by these difficult times, and can be the place where healing begins and continues. Audio | January 01, 2007 1 2 Next »