All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 38 Sort by: Title | Date Methodist Pastor-Musicians on Gaps in Worship Music Teaching an intensive songwriting class in a North Carolina prison for women made Susannah Long and Michael Conner reflect on gaps in what churches sing about. Conversation | February 14, 2018 What Inside Songwriters Can Teach Outside Churches about Worship A songwriting class in a North Carolina prison taught eight women to write biblical songs that touch congregations inside and outside prison walls. Feature Story | February 14, 2018 Kiran Young Wimberly on the Celtic Psalms Project When she moved to Northern Ireland, Kiran Young Wimberly was surprised to discover how few Presbyterians there knew the Irish and Scottish melodies she’d grown to love in the U.S. Her Celtic Psalms project is helping Protestants and Catholics reconnect with their shared heritage. Conversation | December 01, 2016 Irish Presbyterians on Singing Celtic Psalms Kiran Young Wimberly and Karen Campbell are musically gifted Presbyterian pastors who have seen how singing Celtic psalms helps bridge communities in troubled places. Conversation | November 29, 2016 Worship Resources in Times of Natural Disasters Many of these resources, initially created for an immediate response to specific events, may be adapted or may help provide ideas for similar resources for other natural disasters or for services remembering these events. Bibliography | March 16, 2011 Music and Worship Help Heal Northern Ireland The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is using music and worship to overcome the legacy of "the Trouble" in Northern Ireland. You can apply their insights to political and other differences that divide Christians in your context. A feature story exploring the role of music and worship in healing. Feature Story | June 19, 2009 Interview with C.R. “Kees” van Setten about the Power of Musical Lament to Reconcile Jews and Christians In this email interview from spring 2008, van Setten tells how the music of lament has helped heal European Christians ashamed of how they’ve treated Jews and helped Jews feel God’s presence. He explains how combining lament and praise can enrich evangelical worship. Feature Story | June 20, 2008 Bringing Our Pain to God: Michael Card and Calvin Seerveld on biblical lament in worship Lament is an essential ingredient of honest faith, but what does biblical lament look or sound like in real congregations? A feature story exploring how Christians can bring their pain to God in worship. Feature Story | June 20, 2008 Healing in Worship: Hospitality that welcomes everyone as they are Though you might associate "heal" with "cure," healing in worship is broader. Whether through prayer, hospitality, communion, or laying on hands, it helps people become more whole. Feature Story | February 01, 2008 Christian Funerals: Going to be with God Thomas Long makes a case for classic Christian funeral traditions. Howard Vanderwell and Leonard VanderZee offer pastoral considerations for planning funerals and memorial services. A feature story exploring the planning for Christian Funerals and Memorial Services. Feature Story | October 26, 2007 Worship in Difficult Times All congregations experience crises, transitions, and conflicts. Worship will be affected by these difficult times, and can be the place where healing begins and continues. Audio | January 01, 2007 Hearing God's Voice through Change: The preacher's role As Jesus told the disciples at the Last Supper, in this world we will have trouble. Here's how preaching can encourage believers to take heart. A feature story exploring how congregations can hear God's voice despite change and trials. Feature Story | September 30, 2005 Songs of Comfort and Trust in Times of Natural Disasters A list of songs of comfort and trust to be sung in times of natural disaster. Article | June 01, 2005 Our Joy - Psalms 34, 51, Luke 15 A service plan focused on responses and emotions in worship. Our faith gives us reason for great joy, but we also experience much pain and sorrow in this world. Part of a series of sermons pairing together some of the seemingly irreconcilable paradoxes in the Christian faith. Worship Service | June 01, 2005 Worship Service: A Faith that Sighs and Sings - Habakkuk 3 A worship service plan flowing from the statement that Christian faith "can be found in the deepest despair and at the greatest joy." Habakkuk reminds us that true faith does not ignore life's problems, but meets them head on. Worship Service | June 01, 2005 Beatitudes Series: Blessed Are the Persecuted - Isaiah 49, Matthew 5, 10 A service plan focused on the Beatitudes and the blessing on those who are persecuted in a series on the Beatitudes. Worship Service | June 01, 2005 Worship Responses to the Tsunami A list of thoughts, suggestions and resources compiled in response to the tsunami tragedy of 2004--these are posted in the hope they will guide you in crafting some manner in which your group or congregation can appropriately respond to such events in worship. Article | June 01, 2005 Songs of Comfort and Trust in Times of Tragedy A list of songs to consider for worship services in times of hardship and tragedy. These songs range from prayers and pleas for help to cries of pain and lament. Article | June 01, 2005 Morning Remembrance for September 11 A short service of scripture and lament in response to the tragedy of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Worship Service | June 01, 2005 The Promise We Don't Want to Hear - 2 Timothy 3 A service plan addressing the persecution of faith. While some of our brothers and sisters are paying a high price for their faith commitments and their obedience to their Lord, others may never experience it. Based on 2 Timothy 3. Worship Service | June 01, 2005 1 2 Next »