All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 88 Sort by: Title | Date Janice McLean-Farrell on a Pastoral Approach to Research Congregations often want to get information from members and neighbors. They can learn how to do so pastorally by considering how scholars do academic research using human subjects. Scholars follow ethical standards to gain data while doing no harm. Conversation | January 08, 2020 Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. on Sculptor Spirit It is impossible to become more like Jesus on your own. A new book offers five ways to recognize how the same Spirit who worked in Jesus’ life can shape us to be more Christlike. Conversation | December 10, 2019 Tim Shapiro on How Your Congregation Learns Many congregations suspect they need to change but don’t know how. Tim Shapiro’s book describes eight steps that healthy congregations can take to learn together. These learning journey stages have parallels to elements of Christian worship. Conversation | November 12, 2019 Shaping the Pastoral Imagination: An Interview with Pastor Douglas Brouwer led by John Witvliet 2019 Cultivating Vital Worship | Session Video | August 01, 2019 How People Change 2019 Cultivating Vital Worship | Session Audio | July 19, 2019 The Church's "Big" Choir Integration of the choir into all aspects of worship and the choir's voice into the congregation's repertoire. Article | June 19, 2019 Framing Worship for Missional Engagement 2019 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Workshop Audio | May 03, 2019 Seven Challenges in Multicultural, Multi-congregational Worship Worshiping regularly with a congregation culturally dissimilar from yours is challenging but worth it. Understanding these challenges can also help you change worship to better include different cultural groups within your church. Article | July 06, 2018 Multicultural Congregations Meet for Combined Worship Services Three church groups started out as separate congregations sharing one building. Now regularly-scheduled joint worship helps them see themselves as members of one body in Christ. Feature Story | July 06, 2018 Means of Grace: Forming New and Sustaining “Renewing” Congregations and Church Plants In this seminar, veteran practitioners discussed how mission-shaped preaching and sacramental life function as means of grace in their communities. Audience engaged a discussion that sees evangelism and robust worship as beautifully integrated elements of every congregation’s ministry. Audio | May 04, 2018 Teaching and Learning in Christian Congregations and Ministries This session featured insights from a variety of people who love to teach in ways that help people in ordinary congregations learn about worship, the arts, inclusion, and, ultimately, Jesus himself. Audio | February 28, 2018 Warren Kinghorn on Mental Illness and Our Deepest Identity We hear a lot about using person-first language. Yet it is still common to label people with their mental health diagnosis. Christians and churches can offer another way to describe our common human identity. Conversation | February 06, 2018 The Geography of Worship An annotated research guide from the field of geography, exploring the relevance of place, space, and human/environment interactions for the study of worship practices. Resource Guide | December 05, 2017 How Worship Change Happened at American Lutheran Church This once-aging, now-thriving Lutheran congregation became more comfortable with worship changes by using visuals and stories, reading books together, and sharing over meals. Feature Story | August 18, 2017 Ten Ways to be More Inclusive and Welcoming in Worship and Church Life Here are helpful suggestions for congregations who strive to include people across the full spectrum of abilities in their small group settings and beyond. Article | August 03, 2017 Congregations and Sermons: A Biblical Scholar's Vision for Imaginative, Communal Sermon Listening Most of us consider the Bible more than an anthology or a textual repository for the ancient Israelites' and early Christians' religious traditions. Audio | July 06, 2017 Worship in Times of Trauma: Gabriel Salguero Pastor Gabriel Salguero reminds us the soul has hunger and needs. Good worship speaks to the body and the soul. Video | March 27, 2017 Open to Embracing the Difference: Emmett G. Price III Emmett G. Price III reflects on the how worship brings together people with unique differences. Video | March 23, 2017 Universal Design, Responsive Design: Keys for Welcoming Persons with Varied Abilities Worshipers and congregation members certainly do not come in a “one size fits all” wrapping! As you gather for worship you will notice an array of gifts, but you may also see the areas of struggle each one brings to the community. Audio | February 20, 2017 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Your Church With one in 68 individuals being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is likely that your worshiping community already includes someone with ASD. If you are a pastor, worship leader, musician, church school teacher, or church volunteer, discover specific ways to identify, interact with, and worship with persons with ASD. Audio | February 15, 2017 1 2 3 ... Next »