All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 22 Sort by: Title | Date Two Pastors on God at Work in Ordinary People and Places Moses Chung and Christopher Meehan cowrote the book "Joining Jesus: Ordinary People at the Edges of the Church." They hope these stories will give people and congregations hope, encouragement, and imagination to see what God is already doing in their neighborhoods. Conversation | January 23, 2023 David Lemley on Becoming What We Sing David Lemley’s book "Becoming What We Sing: Formation through Contemporary Worship Music" recognizes that contemporary worship music [CWM] helps Christians around the world feel close to God. Lemley looks at whether or how CWM moves worshipers from adoration to participation in the mission of God’s church. Conversation | September 14, 2022 Brandon Helder on The Gift of the Cross Holy Week Devotional for Children Brandon Helder's elementary students and his own children responded to tactile Jesse Tree devotionals during Advent, but he couldn't find similar Holy Week resources. To help children and families anticipate Easter, Helder wrote The Gift of the Cross: Celebrating Christ Through Holy Week and designed Resurrection Blocks. Conversation | December 09, 2021 Becoming People of Refugia Extreme weather, declining church influence, and environmental protests affect Christians around the world. Debra Rienstra explains why the biological concept of refugia offers a metaphor for seeing the Spirit at work despite deep disturbances in God's creation and among God's people. Feature Story | August 30, 2021 Paul Turner on Presiding Artfully at Mass In his new book, Ars Celebrandi, Paul Turner writes that “a well-prepared and celebrated liturgy is the church’s best response to crisis.” He offers fresh principles for how a priest’s presiding style can help the faithful participate more actively in the Mass. Conversation | March 18, 2021 J. Todd Billings on Embracing Our Mortality Unless we are very ill or old, many of us avoid thinking about our deaths. J. Todd Billings’s new book, The End of the Christian Life, explains that remembering our mortality and learning to die well will give us a more profound view of true Christian resurrection hope. Conversation | January 19, 2021 Matthew Kaemingk and Cory B. Willson on Work and Worship Many of us feel guilty for thinking about work during gathered worship. We don’t see a connection between what we do in worship and what we do at work. But a new book on work and worship describes biblical worship practices that help workers reclaim their place in the priesthood of all believers. Conversation | December 03, 2020 Kimberly Hope Belcher on Christian Unity and Communion Ephesians 4 calls Christians to “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” unity. Yet many Christian traditions don’t allow full communion with other denominations. Kimberly Hope Belcher’s new book Eucharist and Receptive Ecumenism: From Thanksgiving to Communion, offers steps toward greater unity. Conversation | October 16, 2020 Esau McCaulley on Reading While Black African American biblical interpretation rises from a particular context. It offers unique perspectives on God’s character and glory. Esau McCaulley explains that learning how other cultures exegete the Bible benefits the whole church. Conversation | February 04, 2020 Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. on Sculptor Spirit It is impossible to become more like Jesus on your own. A new book offers five ways to recognize how the same Spirit who worked in Jesus’ life can shape us to be more Christlike. Conversation | December 10, 2019 Tim Shapiro on How Your Congregation Learns Many congregations suspect they need to change but don’t know how. Tim Shapiro’s book describes eight steps that healthy congregations can take to learn together. These learning journey stages have parallels to elements of Christian worship. Conversation | November 12, 2019 Worship that Cares for People Pastorally You may think of pastoral care mainly as personal visits to someone’s hospital room or home. But Howard Vanderwell wrote that the entire worship service has “powerful potential for caring for worshipers’ needs.” His book Caring Worship: Helping Worship Leaders Provide Pastoral Care through the Liturgy explains how. Feature Story | February 13, 2019 Bruce Theron on Word and Worship, a South African lectionary resource Across cultures and denominations, South African churches are growing in unity—thanks to the nation’s first ecumenical sermon and worship resource written in English. Conversation | March 16, 2017 Our 95 Theses: Hispanic Perspectives on the Protestant Reformation After beginning in Wittenberg, the Protestant Reformation surged among marginalized and exiled people. A new book by Latino and Latina Protestants, Catholics and Pentecostals explores that legacy. Feature Story | November 30, 2016 Worship that Calls Us to Reflect God’s Heart for Justice Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson co-wrote The Justice Calling: Where Passion Meets Perseverance. They explain how weekly worship helps congregations keep working with, and waiting on, God to make all things new. Feature Story | July 12, 2016 “The Justice Calling” Authors on Becoming a Just Church Some churches care deeply about studying the Bible. Others are passionate about justice. Authors Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson offer help for congregations that care or want to care about both. Conversation | July 12, 2016 Disability and Inclusion: An Annotated Bibliography Books that Tom Hoeksema believes give a deep understanding of the theology and practice of inclusion and extend the ability to operate from a universal design perspective as you plan worship and other dimensions of life together in faith communities. Conversation | May 16, 2016 Tom Hoeksema on a Bibliography of Disability and Inclusion Too many pastors and churches fail to see the wholeness of people who live with disability. Tom Hoeksema recommends books that can help preachers and churches become more inclusive. Conversation | May 16, 2016 Maundy Thursday reflection from 'When God Speaks Through Worship' From Craig Satterlee’s book When God Speaks Through Worship Article | April 24, 2012 Wrapping up Two Reading Groups During the fall of 2010, the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship sponsored two sets of book groups using two of our recent publications: Worship Words, by Debra Rienstra and Ron Rienstra and Shaped by God, edited by Robert Keeley. Reflection | March 02, 2011 1 2 Next »