Symposium 2011 - What Lies Ahead: A Multi-Sensory Vespers Service
“What Lies Ahead: A Multi-Sensory Vespers Service” is based on Philippians 3:12-4:1
Worship and Mission after Christendom
As Christendom wanes, worship and mission can be integrated anew. Worship glorifies God and forms the worshippers to participate in the missio Dei.
How Do We Learn During Worship?
What do classrooms and worship services share, and what each can learn from the other?
Symposium 2011 - Hymnfest: Seasons of Praise
Hymn Fest: “Seasons of Praise,” presented at the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2011
Symposium 2011 - Alleluias Concentrated: Enabling Expansive Worship in Small Membership Congregations
"If we only had / could ..." can become too common a phrase in smaller congregations. This session equipped and encouraged even the smallest congregation --or small group within a larger community-- to design and experience deep, joy-filled worship using everything God has given them and requiring nothing more.
Symposium 2011 - The Creation of a “Dwelling” Place: How Dwelling with Philippians came to life
Dwelling with Philippians interweaves God’s Word with images, poems, and liturgy, nurturing an ongoing interaction. Join two of the editors as we create another level of interaction, exploring themes and patterns, and discussing how many difficult choices were made. You may even get to see some of the “out takes!”
Asian Christian Worship Practices Worth Adopting or Adapting
This session introduced a variety of worship expressions from Asian cultures, songs and prayers, gestures that can sometime speak with more eloquence than words, and visual ways to bring beauty to your worship space; all gifts for your congregation to consider.
Symposium 2011 - Science, Preaching, and the Church
In this workshop Deborah Haarsma gives a case study of Christian responses to the science of origins, including young earth creationism, intelligent design, and theistic evolution. Scott Hoezee discusses how the church can have a broader and more positive engagement with the scientific disciplines in sermons, worship, and the life of the church.
Allowing the Liturgical Year to Shape Sunday Worship
From Sunday as the first feast of the Christian Church through the later development of a liturgical year that celebrates the life of Christ, this approach to worship offers rich possibilities for shaping celebration.
Parenting in the Pew: The Call, Cost, and Challenge of Children in the Sanctuary
Based on the book Parenting in the Pew, this session considered ways the church and home can work together to train children for participation in worship with the intergenerational community.
Christian Worship in the 4th Century Jerusalem
What might an ancient church have to say for renewing our worship today?
Symposium 2011 - Vesper - Dwelling with Philippians
Paul’s entire letter to Jesus’ followers in Philippi, spoken from memory by Jesus’ followers today, illumined with image and song