Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Power to Make Our Lives Anew
When, as part of their Sunday worship, Jesus' followers join to declare, "I believe in the Holy Spirit," they’re saying a mouthful - a large mouthful.
Songs for Pentecost & the Holy Spirit
A list of songs to use during Pentecost or sermons on the Holy Spirit
Weekday Chapel: The Wind of the Spirit
Because the first Pentecost was such a dramatic multi-sensory event, with surprising sights and sounds and experiences, we celebrated it in worship accompanied by visuals and sound effects.
Yvette Lau on worship in Hong Kong
Conversation with Yvette Lau about a worship symposium in Hong Kong.
Coop's Column - Not as Orphans
To acknowledge that the Immortal God, the very Creator of the entire universe, is Father; and to affirm that this Father’s firstborn Son, Jesus Christ, once came to dwell on earth, to suffer, to die, and then to rise victoriously over death.
Surprise! Screens Can Build Community
An article about using screens to build community
Meeting the Holy Spirit through Preaching and the Arts
Learn how one congregation used sermons and group creativity to help all ages become alive to the Spirit and more fully celebrate Pentecost.
Vertical Habits: Relational Words for Worship
In 2006, the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship commissioned 23 congregations and schools to explore the theme of Vertical Habits, to learn how the words we use in our relationships also shape our worship.
Service of Reaffirmation of Resurrection Hope - Weekday Worship
A worship service held on the biblical vision of heaven and hope.
Coop's Column - Designed to the Inheritance of Jesus
"Designed to the Inheritance of Jesus" blog entry from Coop's Column.
Theological Reflection a Key to Worship Renewal
Asking good questions helps congregations move worship forward. They move from the language of preference to the language of full, active, conscious participation in worship.
Coop's Column - He Shall Come Again
One of my former pastors told me that in his -then- 27 years of ministry in five different congregations he had met only two persons-an elderly wife and husband-who lived in daily excitement at the fact that Jesus shall come again. At every day's beginning they exclaimed to each other, "This could be the day! Let's be ready to greet our Lord!"