Bringing the Bible to Alzheimer's patients
In a Schaumburg retirement community, a minister pioneers a new approach to telling stories from the Bible
Understanding Differences in Bible Translations
God designed the gospel to be translated into every language. English speakers have created hundreds of Bible translations, versions, and updates. Here’s help for finding blessings in the bewildering variety.
John F. Hobbins on Bible Translations and Christian Unity
John F. Hobbins is passionate about biblical languages and Bible translations. He pastors First United Methodist Church in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and teaches in the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s religious studies department. He blogs on Ancient Hebrew Poetry. In this edited email conversation he talks about choosing Bible translations and maintaining the communion of the saints.
Six Tips for Dwelling with Philippians
Here’s how other Philippians study groups have fit the project to their settings.
Coop's Column - Creation's Choir Sings Hymns of Praise
It takes an act of slowing life down enough to cultivate wonder, which is one of the reasons God bids his children to practice Sabbath—to take a day off in order to savor life for the sheer and undeserved gift that it is, and then in turn to worship God and to give God thanks for it. This column includes an audio recording by Dale Cooper.
Ten Tips for Reading Scripture in Public Worship
An article offering practical tips and exercises for public reading of Scripture.
Communion Service: Psalm 103
Abounding in Steadfast Love, Psalm 103, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2012. This service was a celebration of word and sacrament with Thomas G. Long, Martha Moore-Keish, and Stanley Mast.
Worship Service: Psalm 113
This service of Psalm 113, Exalted Over All the Nations, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2012. Utilizing leaders from around the world, the service echoed the words "Praise the Lord, all you nations: all peoples, praise the Lord."
The Lord Is My Shepherd: A Celebration of Psalm 23 Vespers Service (Session 2)
The Lord Is My Shepherd: A Celebration of Psalm 23 was a vesper service at the 2012 Calvin Symposium on Worship, led by hymn-writer Rev. John Bell.
Conversation with N.T. Wright
A conversation with N.T. Wright exploring themes from his plenary address: Praying the Psalms: Personal, Pastoral, Theological and Liturgical Reflections.
Psalms for All Seasons: A Festival of Singing
An evening celebrating the release of this major collection that holds promise to bring the psalms into the heart of worship.
Worship Service: Psalm 13
This service of Psalm 13, How Long?, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2012.