He is King: Psalm 24
A teaching video on singing Punjabi Zabor 24
People of the Book: Showing Respect for the Bible
Many cultural practices in North America astonish non-Western worshipers. One of the most striking is how the Bible is handled.
O Lord, My Strength: Psalm 18
A teaching video on singing Punjabi Zabor 18
Songs for Philippians
Songs to accompany a series on the book of Philippians.
Resources on Philippians
songs, worship service outlines, and more
When Justice and Peace Embrace
This service of Lessons and Carols from 2006 turns to the Psalms to listen to the message of Advent and Christmas.
Symposium 2012 - Plenary Address: Performing a Counter World: the Alternative Reality Offered by the Psalms for the Worlds We Inhabit
Performing a Counter World: the Alternative Reality Offered by the Psalms for the Worlds We Inhabit is a plenary address presented by Walter Brueggemann at the 2012 Calvin Symposium on Worship.
Reading Scripture in Worship
Reading scripture for people is different than reading scripture alone.
A Choral Reading of Ephesians 4:1-16
A choral reading based on Ephesians 4 from the NRSV.
A Choral Reading of Psalm 19
This is a choral reading based on Psalm 19 adapted for three speakers.
Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ Worship Service
Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ is a worship service from the Vital Worship Grants Colloquium in June 2014.
A Choral Reading of Luke 15 with sung refrain
This choral reading on Luke 15 with a sung refrain is adapted for 4 readers and 1 vocalist.