
Speech Communication in Worship

A showcase featuring some thoughtful resources that can help all who participate in worship through public speaking do so hospitably, succinctly, wisely, and with imagination.

June 14, 2016 | 8 min read
Un Refugiado Mira a los Salmos del Ascenso

Los disturbios, conflictos, y guerras de los últimos cien años han causado una enorme crisis. El sufrimiento de refugiados de Siria, Iraq, y otros países del Oriente Medio ha dejado estupefacto al mundo entero. También, muchos niños y jóvenes centroamericanos tratan de entrar a los Estados Unidos para escapar violencia y pobreza.

May 12, 2016

A Refugee Looks at the Psalms of Ascent

Recent unrest, conflict, and war have caused an unprecedented refugee crisis. The plight of Syrian, Iraqi, and other Middle Eastern refugees has shocked the whole world. Also, many youth and children are trying to enter the United States from Central America to escape violence and poverty.

May 12, 2016
Songs of Praise, Lament, and Hope

The Psalms—the Holy Spirit’s inspired songbook right in the middle of the Bible—are a rich source of insight and inspiration for songwriters, singers, and worshipers of all kinds.

May 2, 2016 | 60 min video
Do Not Be Afraid

A symposium worship service from Isaiah 43. Mary Hulst is preaching. It is led by the Calvin University student LOFT 'Living Our Faith Together' team that gathers for Sunday evening worship.

April 29, 2016 | 68 min video