A Mosaic of Faith and Hope: A Festival of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
Alumni of the James Abbington Church Music Academy of the Hampton Ministers' Conference lead a festival of congregation songs.
Celtic Psalms: Finding Light in the Darkness
In this vesper service, the congregation worships God by singing and listening to psalm settings with soulful Irish and Scottish melodies, exploring how God’s light shines even in the midst of the darkest nights, guiding his people into places of joy, forgiveness, and peace.
Trumpets, Ashes, and Tears: New Psalmody for the Journey of Faith
In this vesper service, songwriters with ministries of writing congregation-friendly settings of the biblical Psalms lead the congregation in sung prayer, along with scripture readings and intercessions focused on ministering to the needs, challenges, and vocation of worship leaders, artists of all kinds, and pastors.
A Sweet Sound: Absorbing God's Word in the Language of the Heart
What changes when a person hears God’s Word in their own language as opposed to their second or third language? How does the translation of key theological terms into a person's mother tongue change their understanding?
The Challenges and Opportunities of Preaching Matthew
Each of the four gospels has its own flavor, themes, and overall character and so each requires different things of the preacher. Matthew’s Gospel presents a number of challenges, a few of which are peculiar to the present day when biblical literacy in most places has fallen off.
Enacted Scripture: Revelation 21-22
Calvin College students give a dramatic presentation of Revelation 21-22.
Enacted Scripture: Revelation 1
Calvin College students give a dramatic presentation of Revelation 1.
Enacted Scripture: Revelation 13
Calvin College students give a dramatic presentation of Revelation 13.
Enacted Scripture: Revelation 7
Calvin College students give a dramatic presentation of Revelation 7.
Wendell Kimbrough on the Psalms
Wendell Kimbrough is a songwriter and worship leader in southern Alabama who believes church music should simply be good music that forms us as we sing it together. Drawing on the sounds of American folk and soul music, Wendell writes scripturally-rich songs with singable, memorable melodies. His music has been embraced by a growing number of churches, young and old, large groups and small, contemporary praise bands and traditional choirs.
Kiran Young Wimberly on the Celtic Psalms Project
When she moved to Northern Ireland, Kiran Young Wimberly was surprised to discover how few Presbyterians there knew the Irish and Scottish melodies she’d grown to love in the U.S. Her Celtic Psalms project is helping Protestants and Catholics reconnect with their shared heritage.
Irish Presbyterians on Singing Celtic Psalms
Kiran Young Wimberly and Karen Campbell are musically gifted Presbyterian pastors who have seen how singing Celtic psalms helps bridge communities in troubled places.