
Seven Deadly Sins: Time for churches to reclaim the tradition

It's time for the church to reclaim and apply the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins or Capital Vices to spiritual formation. A feature story exploring the Seven Deadly Sins.

January 26, 2010
Parables: Reflecting Their Multiple Meanings in Preaching and Music

Jesus told parables that were far more than simple stories with one heavenly meaning. Here's how preachers, musicians, and worship leaders can plan parable-based worship that lingers in people's lives.

January 8, 2010
Pastoral and Worship Excellence: Becoming more like Christ

A feature story exploring Pastoral and Worship excellence. David J. Wood and Paul Ryan offer a biblical framework for cultivating congregational conversations about pastoral excellence and standards for worship excellence.

September 11, 2009

Music and Worship Help Heal Northern Ireland

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is using music and worship to overcome the legacy of "the Trouble" in Northern Ireland. You can apply their insights to political and other differences that divide Christians in your context. A feature story exploring the role of music and worship in healing.

June 19, 2009

Sermon on Luke 18

This sermon on Luke 18, The Heart of Faith, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2009.

January 1, 2009
When God Speaks Through You

Based on his book, When God Speaks Through You, Craig Satterlee explored how "holy and active listening"—listening for God's voice speaking in and through the faith community can occur when church members talk to one another and to their pastors about preaching—and especially the faith convictions they bring to the sermon, which influence both the preaching and what is heard.

January 1, 2009

Preaching to Expose the Principalities and Powers

Church leaders and other saints in our congregations frequently find themselves struggling with money, technology, politics, the institutional church, etc. - what the Bible calls "principalities and powers."

January 1, 2009
Good Preaching Takes Good Elders

When preachers and churches talk about improving the quality of preaching, many approaches are considered, but one is frequently missing: the participation of elders. This workshop explores both the why and how questions of involving elders in supporting and encouraging preachers in their congregations.

January 1, 2009