How Not To Preach
This workshop is a brief field guide on how not to preach and teach the gospel in a secular age.
Developing a Multiethnic Accent in Preaching
Congregations are becoming more diverse which increases the need for the church planter, missionary, and preacher to communicate biblical truth in relevant and compelling ways.
Transforming Sermon Communication
A Practical Guide to Making Changes That Make a Difference.
Transforming Sermon Communication
A Practical Guide to Making Changes That Make a Difference.
Superando la fatiga homilética
Este taller explorará maneras de revitalizar su predicación.
The Most Important Word in Preaching
Since the inception of the New Homiletic in the 1970s, preachers have been experimenting with inductive and narrative forms of preaching, thanks to the likes of Fred Craddock and Eugene Lowry. The idea is for sermons to engage people, create an experience of the biblical text.
The Most Important Word in Preaching
Since the inception of the New Homiletic in the 1970s, preachers have been experimenting with inductive and narrative forms of preaching, thanks to the likes of Fred Craddock and Eugene Lowry. The idea is for sermons to engage people, create an experience of the biblical text.
Pablo Jiménez on Reenergizing Preaching
One way to keep sermons fresh is to ditch the deductive form, in which preachers begin with their main point and then work to prove it.
Pablo Jiménez on Reenergizing Preaching
One way to keep sermons fresh is to ditch the deductive form, in which preachers begin with their main point and then work to prove it.
Kathy Hanson on Youth Delivering Homilies
Usually teachers give the homily during daily worship at Mustard Seed School in Hoboken, New Jersey. When the school asked every eighth grader to give a homily, the results surprised and blessed the whole community.
Growing in Grace: A four-week series to get your church education plans off to a great start
Another September rolls around. If you’re a typical worship and liturgy planner, you’re probably thinking, We really ought to highlight the beginning of another season of education. On the heels of that thought comes another: We need to commission our education leaders. Where do we find a liturgy for that?
Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture Full Text
The full text of the Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture.