Renee Reimer on Being Rooted and Grounded in God’s Creation
Worshiping outdoors and bringing nature into worship helped one church experience more connections between God’s creation, worship, and neighbors.
How Worship Change Happened at American Lutheran Church
This once-aging, now-thriving Lutheran congregation became more comfortable with worship changes by using visuals and stories, reading books together, and sharing over meals.
Ten Ways to be More Inclusive and Welcoming in Worship and Church Life
Here are helpful suggestions for congregations who strive to include people across the full spectrum of abilities in their small group settings and beyond.
Congregations and Sermons: A Biblical Scholar's Vision for Imaginative, Communal Sermon Listening
Most of us consider the Bible more than an anthology or a textual repository for the ancient Israelites' and early Christians' religious traditions.
Worship in Times of Trauma: Gabriel Salguero
Pastor Gabriel Salguero reminds us the soul has hunger and needs. Good worship speaks to the body and the soul.
Open to Embracing the Difference: Emmett G. Price III
Emmett G. Price III reflects on the how worship brings together people with unique differences.
Teaching Children about the Meaning of the Lord's Supper
Gathering at God's Table is a new, vividly-illustrated bilingual children's book which introduces young children to the meaning and significance of the Lord's Supper
Loving Your Neighbor with Dementia
By the end of 2015, more than 5,000,000 Americans were living with dementia. This number is expected to increase in the years ahead as the population ages.
Universal Design, Responsive Design: Keys for Welcoming Persons with Varied Abilities
Worshipers and congregation members certainly do not come in a “one size fits all” wrapping! As you gather for worship you will notice an array of gifts, but you may also see the areas of struggle each one brings to the community.
Music, Congregational Identity, and the Relationships that Spark Effective Ministry
How does music express and form a congregation’s identity? How can that identity be defined and shaped by the relationships it seeks to nurture and the mission it seeks to promote?
Innovation in Worship: Working with a Team to Make Healthy Changes
Listen to a diverse group of panelists from various churches across North America describe how they envisioned and led their congregations through changes in worship.
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Your Church
With one in 68 individuals being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is likely that your worshiping community already includes someone with ASD. If you are a pastor, worship leader, musician, church school teacher, or church volunteer, discover specific ways to identify, interact with, and worship with persons with ASD.