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Frank A. Thomas
Pedagogical Insights on Teaching African American Preaching

This essay reflects on Frank Thomas' unique journey through the pastorate to become a teacher of preaching, and on the pedagogy he developed along the way.

December 11, 2019
Frank Thomas on the Power of African-American Preaching

“How is it that you can take a group of people who are in despair and when you get finished preaching the gospel, they have hope?” This question sent Frank Thomas down a path that led him nearly forty years later to create the first PhD program in African-American preaching.

April 10, 2019
Solid Resources for Lively Preaching

Preachers know that unless they receive fresh input from good resources, sooner or later their weekly output in the sermon will get thinner and thinner. But where are the solid resources on which the preacher can rely? What best practices exist to enrich preaching?

April 1, 2016