All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 63 Sort by: Title | Date Daniel I. Block on God’s Grace in Ezekiel Although Ezekiel’s strange visions and often shocking images perplex readers, Old Testament scholar Daniel I. Block explains why the book of Ezekiel is worth reading. The judgment, grace, and love God spoke through Ezekiel to Israel also apply to the church today. Conversation | April 18, 2024 Sarah Kathleen Johnson and Andrew Wymer on Worship and Power Sarah Kathleen Johnson and Andrew Wymer, two Free Church scholars in worship and liturgical studies, break new ground in “Worship and Power”, a book edited with other scholars in this tradition, and celebrate what these insights offer for ecumenical conversation and learning around liturgical authority. Audio | Podcast | December 18, 2023 Nikki Toyama-Szeto on Hoping in God Despite Injustice Individuals and congregations sometimes despair while working for justice. Sometimes they forget that although God invites us to join in justice work, God remains in charge of changing the world. That’s why it’s crucial for justice seekers to stay rooted in Christian community and worship. Conversation | September 19, 2022 Rebekah Eklund on Practicing Lament Congregations become more relevant and biblical when they follow the Bible’s lead in bringing lament into worship. Rebekah Eklund’s book "Practicing Lament" shows churches, small groups, and individuals how to voice penitential lament and protesting lament. Learning to practice lament can reconnect people with God and help churches grow in “members of one body” solidarity. Conversation | August 22, 2022 Two Pastors on Christian Worship in Politically Divided Times Many preachers and congregations claim that politics have no place in their worship. But pastors Meg Jenista Kuykendall and Katie Ritsema-Roelofs say that addressing public issues in worship is essential for congregations to become to Christlike communities. Conversation | June 09, 2021 Christine McAteer on the Coronavirus and Bus Chaplaincy During the COVID-19 pandemic, bus drivers and other public transport workers have been praised as essential workers. Yet they remain largely invisible to those with the option to travel by private automobile. Your church can include bus drivers and other essential workers in congregational prayers. Conversation | May 12, 2021 Faith Communities and Safe Dwelling Places Philosopher and author Lee Hardy noticed derelict buildings near his church for decades before realizing that faith-based communities have valuable resources to address the affordable housing crisis. Feature Story | March 01, 2021 Lee Hardy on Housing, Justice, and Worship Completing a grant project on faith communities and affordable housing convinced Lee Hardy that justice and worship are internally linked. That’s why he says worship services should include housing justice, and Christians and congregations should advocate to change unjust systems. Conversation | March 01, 2021 2018 JJ Thiessen Lecture #2 - Praise Beyond Cliché and Other Practices of Transfigured Cruciform Engagement Violence, Injustice, Trauma, and the Ordinary Practices of Christian Worship in a Social Media Age, a 3-part lecture series with Dr. John Witvliet Video | February 11, 2021 2018 JJ Thiessen Lecture #1 - Prayers of the People and a Cruciform Pastoral Imagination Violence, Injustice, Trauma, and the Ordinary Practices of Christian Worship in a Social Media Age, a 3-part lecture series with Dr. John Witvliet Video | February 11, 2021 Six Earthkeeping Conversation Tips Since Christians disagree on climate change, you may think it’s best to agree to disagree. But these six tips can help you find common ground for taking positive action. It all starts with conversation. Feature Story | January 05, 2021 Creation’s Sabbath Economic lockdowns and pauses during the coronavirus pandemic offer glimpses of a renewed world. Despite COVID-19’s horrific effects, Christians can choose to reframe their lives in light of the sabbath rest that God intends for all creation. Feature Story | January 05, 2021 Célestin Musekura on Forgiving as We Have Been Forgiven In this episode, Célestin Musekura talks about the humanizing and justice-focused work of forgiveness, for individuals, communities and Christian worship. Audio | Podcast | November 03, 2020 Angie Hong on Imagining Worship as an Egalitarian Zone Christian worship services can support or contradict the biblical vision of the church as one body with many parts. Here’s how corporate worship can help worshipers practice equity across lines of gender, race, ability, socioeconomics, and sexuality. Conversation | May 24, 2019 Preaching While White: Practices of Humility and Courage in the Face of Injustice 2019 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Workshop Audio | April 10, 2019 The Savior of Justice for the Needy 2019 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Service of the Word Video | Worship Service | February 27, 2019 Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion, and Truth in Christian Worship and Life All over the world, Christian churches are struggling to obey the Bible’s clear commands to welcome the stranger, to displace the fear that leads to exclusion, and to both extend and receive mutual hospitality as gifts of God’s Spirit. Audio | February 16, 2018 Mark Mulder on Debunking “the Culture of Poverty” It is important for financially stable churches and Christians to build relationships with those in poverty. But the reason may be different than what you might assume. Conversation | December 14, 2017 When Helping Heals: Affirming Global Service in our Churches Providing charitable support and development assistance to people in need can and does work, but, like any important activity, we must learn how to do it well. Article | August 22, 2017 When Helping Heals: An Economist and Political Scientist Affirm Global Service Is it possible to work in international development without hurting those we are helping? Audio | July 05, 2017 1 2 3 ... Next »