CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.
While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.
The Growth Center Inc.
To equip youth and young adults in theology and skills for leading worship so as to form their identity as God’s image bearers and help them see their place in the body of Christ.
The Orthodox Christian Academy of Atlanta
To help young adults and converts more deeply engage the Orthodox tradition of worship by establishing a training program in chant, iconography, and other liturgical arts.
Together in Worship
To deepen worshipers’ understanding of being a baptismal community by creating liturgical resources in celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of the Anabaptist tradition.
Trinity United Church of Christ
To deepen scriptural reflection and to connect with the community by creating films for use in public worship that feature creative storytelling and dialogue on contemporary issues.
University of Arkansas
Jeffrey Allen Murdock
Jeffrey Allen Murdock
To encourage more inclusive and vibrant worship experiences for Christian communities by developing resources for Black sacred music programs about the historical and cultural influences on the genre, then equipping sacred music scholars and practitioners to diversify worship music selections, educate congregations, and perform Black sacred music in a variety of contexts.
Vertical Ministries
To promote multigenerational collaboration and address a development gap for young worship leaders by developing a worship leadership training program.
Village Church
To inspire the prophetic imagination of worshipers and to promote appreciation for God’s gift of beauty through the creation of an artist-in-residence program.
Westminster Presbyterian Church (2024)
To build Christ-centered unity amid a fractured and polarized society by teaching about and promoting shared foundational Christian practices, including the sacraments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the engagement of scripture.
Wheaton College
Eunice Hong
Eunice Hong
To help leaders of churches and institutions of Christian higher education better minister to multicultural communities by researching the experiences of people who attend multicultural churches.
Wheaton College
Donté Ford
Donté Ford
To uplift the hymnody of twentieth-century Holiness reformer and prolific hymn-writer Bishop Charles Price Jones, and to reinvigorate its use within and beyond the Black Church through crafting arrangements and featuring them at choral clinics, thus enriching the historical, cultural, and theological breadth of local church choir music and congregational song.
Wheaton College
Donté Ford
Donté Ford
To uplift the hymnody of twentieth-century Holiness reformer and prolific hymnwriter Bishop Charles Price Jones and to reinvigorate its use within and beyond the Black church by crafting arrangements and featuring them at choral clinics, thus enriching the historical, cultural, and theological breadth of local church choir music and congregational song.
Zao MKE Church
To expand multicultural worship practices that better reflect the diverse worshiping community through retreats and educational opportunities.