Coop's Column - Worshipful Intimacy with Jesus Christ
In this series of meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives, we are considering seven features about Christians which, said the English Puritan Christians, are Spirit-prompted and Spirit-endowed and which ought to mark the lives of those who aim to follow Jesus faithfully.
Jim and Kim Thomas on the Christian Music Industry
Jim and Kim Thomas are husband and wife, and are the pastor and curate, respectively, of The Village Chapel, in Nashville, TN. Over the last fifteen years the church has grown from a small Bible study of professional musicians to a church of about 1500. In addition to leading a congregation that includes many musicians, Jim and Kim were themselves touring musicians and recording artists for nearly thirty years. Jim has also authored two popular books on Christian theology. Kim, in addition to authoring several devotional books, is a highly-regarded visual artist.
Coop's Column - Eager desire to trust and obey the Bible, God’s Spirit-inspired Word
In this series of meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives, we are considering seven features about Christians which English Puritan Christians said are Spirit-prompted and Spirit-endowed and which ought to mark the lives of those who aim to follow Jesus faithfully.
Coop's Column - Vivid Awareness of the Greatness and Goodness of God
This week and in the weeks following we’ll focus on seven Christian character qualities, each of which the 17th-18th century English Puritan Christians claimed is Spirit-endowed and ought to mark faithful followers of Jesus. Serious Christians, said these Puritans, measure their spiritual progress by them. The first of these marks: “Vivid Awareness of the Greatness and Goodness of God.”
Green Congregations Promote Sustainability
Whether your church goes solar, diverts money from utilities to missions or plants a community garden, you can find creative and sustainable ways to model that the earth is the Lord’s.
Coop's Column - God present and active
Pentecost is a day for the church to loudly sings its thanks and praise.
Duane Kelderman on Helping Veterans Heal from Moral Injury
Duane Kelderman preached and presented at the Soul Repair Center’s first congregational consultation on helping veterans heal from moral injury. In this edited conversation from April 2013, he gives the basics for understanding moral injury.
Danilo Montero: “La Adoración está afinando el oído y el sentido musical de los Latinos”
En los últimos 25 años , el aporte de Danilo Montero, ha tenido una influencia tal en la Iglesia Hispana, que sus cantos forman parte de la adoración en las congregaciones latinas en los Estados Unidos y en todos los países donde se habla la lengua de Cervantes.
En una discoteca Eddie Soto se reencontró con el Señor
A los 9 años, Dios tocó el corazón del Chileno Eddie Soto y sembró una semilla de luz en su vida. Al llegar la adolescencia, se apasionó tanto por la música, que olvidó la experiencia vivida en su niñez.
Luis Enrique Espinosa: La comercialización genera música con “masaje” en vez de mensaje
Luís Enrique, originario de la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México, inició su servicio al Señor a la corta edad de 5 años, gracias a la motivación de su padre.
Doris Machín: “No es el género, sino el corazón lo que determina tu trabajo en el Señor”
Doris Machín ha cantado ante diferentes audiencias de los Estados Unidos, Europa, América Latina y el Caribe.
Tony Pérez en el silencio de Dios
Tony, es Pastor del Centro De Intercesión y Adoración Internacional en Long Beach, California, esposo y padre. Además combina sus actividades con frecuentes presentaciones en Estados Unidos y en países de habla hispana.