The Christian Year: Six Steps for Getting Started
So now, here is your dilemma – you are leading a congregation that worships pretty well, but they don’t know much about the Christian Year. Outside of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Good Friday, and Easter, there’s isn’t much else about it. And what’s more, they don’t seem to miss it, or feel they ought to change things. And some of them are a bit suspicious of the whole idea. And besides, you don’t trust your knowledge about it all either, and you have no idea where to begin.
The Christian Year: Three Guiding Patterns
Worshiping according to the Christian Year is not merely another fad to follow, or some ancient practice to match. It’s a pattern of worship which at its heart has three major themes that will greatly enhance the life of any congregation.
Can I be Native and Christian?
In November 2014 Calvin College senior Chantelle Yazzie traveled to Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Reservation, Carlton, MN, to participate in the third annual “Would Jesus Eat Frybread?” conference.
Pablo Jiménez on Reenergizing Preaching
One way to keep sermons fresh is to ditch the deductive form, in which preachers begin with their main point and then work to prove it.
Jerry Sittser on Growing through Adversity and Spiritual Practices
You probably gather for worship with both lifelong worshipers and those new to the Bible. Jerry Sittser mines the history of Christian spirituality for nuggets that give life to all levels of worshipers.
If They Don't Change After Worship, Then They Just Came To Do Cardio
From his native Guatemala, Pastor Jorge Fuentes came and established himself in the United States. For 18 years, he has been the pastor at the Church of Christ Elim Central in Los Angeles, a numerous and prosperous congregation in Southern California.
Music in Culture, Music in Worship: Different Roles and Goals
Someone on social media recently sent out a photo of two young boys lost in worship. This photo reminded me of John Calvin’s famous words, “My heart I offer to you Lord, promptly and sincerely.”
Steve Prince on Visual Art and Justice
Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. What does that mean for conversations about injustices, including racism, both in the U.S. and around the world. Steve Prince creates visual art that can help us start talking.
How Visual Arts Move Us from Brokenness to Beauty
Visual artists can help us start talking about major life issues that we don’t often acknowledge in worship.
Celebrating Christmas in Pakistan
The month of December brings joyful tidings across the world as more than two billion people anticipate celebrating the birth of Christ on December 25 although the Orthodox churches celebrate 12 days later.
The Church has become a Wailing Wall
Pastor Javier Buelna: It is addiction to emotions that creates no change.
A Pentecostal Christmas
This service of Lessons and Carols from 2014 highlights the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Christmas narrative.