What I Learned about Teaching Worship from a Chemistry Professor
"What’s a POGIL?” I asked, half-seriously, half-laughingly. My wife, Sheila, a chemistry instructor in a university was attending a conference for chemistry educators about a pedagogy growing in popularity in science classrooms around the United States. She explained that POGIL is a method for teaching both class content and important skills such as critical thinking and teamwork without using a lecture format.
How Loud Is Too Loud?
Volume in worship can be a touchy subject, one full of tensions. However, by looking at it through the lens of Universal Design and applying this principle to volume, we can see the many tensions in play and work together to glorify the Lord and lead God's people in song.
Cory Willson on Inhabiting the Liturgy
Maybe you feel like a bad Christian when you catch yourself thinking about work or weekday concerns during corporate worship. But doing so can help you worship more deeply and faithfully.
Worship Resources for Radical Hospitality
Scripture models well for us how to speak about immigration in worship. Together, with Abraham, Jesus, and the early church, we can model radical hospitality, we can lament the pain of leaving and the pain of the journey, we can witness God's faithfulness to the refugees and migrants in the past, and together, united as the body of Christ, we can seek responses that reflect God's heart. Ultimately, we can look forward with hope, knowing that our "citizenship is in heaven."
L. Gregory Jones on Traditioned Innovation in Worship
Worship conversations change when you choose to see tradition as a lively center from which to innovate. This provides common ground between those who fear change and those who overvalue change.
¡Le pidieron leer las Escrituras en el culto!
Este recurso ofrece consejos útiles para ayudar a voluntarios y voluntarias en su preparación para leer la Palabra de Dios en el culto. Identifique cómo leer la Biblia en voz alta se diferencia de la lectura de otros libros; descubra cómo obtener una comprensión más profunda del pasaje; obtenga consejos para la interpretación vocal eficaz, y más.
¡Le pidieron orar en el culto!
Consejos para ayudar a quienes se preparan para conducir la oración en el culto. Incluye descripciones sobre diferentes tipos de oraciones, sugerencias sobre cómo prepararse para orar en voz alta, y directrices para liderar la oración durante el culto.
¡Le pidieron desarrollar un grupo de adoración!
Este material ofrece ayudas prácticas para la formación de equipos de adoración con una estructura contemporánea, centrándose en cuestiones generales tales como las funciones de los integrantes del grupo y el orden de culto.
Jennifer Ackerman on Courageous Conversations among Pastors
The Micah Groups program brings together pastors from diverse denominational, theological and ethnic contexts, all who desire to become empowered wise preachers. They seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Over time, they build enough trust to have courageous conversations about worship, preaching and justice.
2016 Symposium on Worship slideshow
Photos from the 2016 conference at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary
Symposium 2016 Presenters
A list of presenters from the 2016 Symposium on Worship
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
A dramatization of Isaiah 53 and Luke 22