
In the Lord (Philippians 4)

While realistically aware of the tensions and conflicts that can mar the community of Christ, Paul calls them to stand firm and rise to the joy and peace that Christ intends for his body in the world.

December 23, 2010
Grace and Peace (Philippians 4)

Paul’s closing words to this church reveal his deep bond with them. As the church which he loved so much, he opens his heart to make it clear that his prayer for them is to know the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ as the supreme good.

December 23, 2010

Focused Praise (Philippians 4)

Paul continues to exhort the Philippians on how to effectively live in the peace of God. Their minds are to be focused on what they have heard and seen in him.

December 23, 2010

Eager Hope (Philippians 3)

Believers live a dual citizenship – as full citizens of this world loyally obedient to God, and as citizens of heaven waiting for their full redemption in Christ. Paul calls for full maturity on this matter.

December 22, 2010 | 8 min read

Affirming Priorities (Philippians 3)

Paul aims to encourage the Philippians to live with joy and find deep assurance by faithfully standing in the conviction that their union with Jesus Christ provides credentials and righteousness that cannot be matched.

December 22, 2010