Coop's Column - Risen Indeed
"On the third day he arose again from the dead." Simple words often capture life's most profound and important truths the best. How better, therefore, for Christians to make their most astonishing declaration about Jesus Christ than by this direct, unadorned, and so forthrightly clear confession?
Psalms of Ascent: songs for the journey
Immersing themselves in these psalms helped worshipers view their lives as people journeying together on their way home to God.
Symposium 2011 - Communion Service: Finally Rejoice
This service is based on Philippians 4:2-9.
Symposium 2011 - What Lies Ahead: A Multi-Sensory Vespers Service
“What Lies Ahead: A Multi-Sensory Vespers Service” is based on Philippians 3:12-4:1
Symposium 2011 - Worship Service: Surpassing Knowledge
Surpassing Knowledge is a worship service on Philippians 3:1-11, presented at Calvin Symposium on Worship 2011.
Symposium 2011 - Vesper - Dwelling with Philippians
Paul’s entire letter to Jesus’ followers in Philippi, spoken from memory by Jesus’ followers today, illumined with image and song
Symposium 2011 - Worship Service: The Attitude of Christ
The Attitude of Christ is based on Philippians 2:1-11.
Symposium 2011 - Dwelling with Philippians in a Downtown Church Plant
This session reported on the process and resources from our worship series on Philippians.
Symposium 2011 - The Creation of a “Dwelling” Place: How Dwelling with Philippians came to life
Dwelling with Philippians interweaves God’s Word with images, poems, and liturgy, nurturing an ongoing interaction. Join two of the editors as we create another level of interaction, exploring themes and patterns, and discussing how many difficult choices were made. You may even get to see some of the “out takes!”
Philippians - PowerPoint Visuals - Monroe Community Church
Visual arts used as projected displays for a series of worship services on Philippians
Philippians Closing Service - Monroe Community Church
This service was the final service in a series of seven on Philippians that was led at Monroe Community Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, during the summer of 2010.
Coop's Column - So Marred, So Beautiful
Their suffering Savior’s immense love for them, far beyond their mind’s feeble ability to grasp or comprehend, now prompts Christians to worship him