Image for Worship - Fruit of the Spirit
Download the 4:3 projection slides from the 2014 Vital Worship Grants Colloquium evening worship "Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ." There is a slide for each element of the service.
The Wardrobe of Easter: Dwelling Together in God’s Word
To grow and mature in our faith, we must learn, as Paul advises, to let God’s Word “dwell richly” in us. Prayerfully, humbly, and communally we must steep ourselves in it. Together we must read, study, and meditate it carefully. Together we must gladly open our minds and hearts to its message. Together we must courageously obey it.
The Wardrobe of Easter: Learning God’s Word
An essential aspect of the Christian life is listening to and obeying God's word.
Understanding the Battle Between the Flesh and the Spirit
Dallas Willard discusses Galatians 5 about what it means to live by the Spirit and how doing so conflicts with the sinful nature that clings to us.
Crucified with Christ
An image based on Galatians 2
Praying for Shalom in the Psalms
Isaiah is famous for his prophecies of shalom—a coming time in which God would make right all that is wrong with the world. All of creation would be fruitful and benign. All humans would be knit together in brotherhood and sisterhood. All creation and all humans would delight in God. In short, God and creation would once again be webbed together in justice, harmony, and delight. The Psalmists, too, pray for shalom. This workshop will discuss these prayers. How do psalmists pray for shalom and how are their prayers important for our own worship?
Transformational Preaching: Engaging with Exodus and the Old Testament, part 2
Explore the art of building a bridge back to the world of the Bible and then bringing the drama back to our generation
Transformational Preaching: Engaging with Exodus and the Old Testament
This seminar explores the art of building a bridge back to the world of the Bible and then bringing the drama back to our generation.
Exodus 40 Worship Service
from Worship Symposium 2014 with Jon Brown preaching
Exodus 14-15 Worship Service
from Worship Symposium 2014 with Sophie Mathonet-VanderWell preaching
Exodus 32 Worship Service
from Worship Symposium 2014 with Michael Nabors preaching
God of Grace and God of Glory: An Exodus Triptych
a service based on the whole book of Exodus in three movements