Dar testimonio de la iglesia que Jesús quería
una comunidad inclusiva, hospitalaria y abierta a todas las personas
Keith M. Douds on Creating Safe Space for Church Groups
Church retreats, church governance meetings, and church small groups require honesty, vulnerability, and transparency to collectively draw closer to God. Psychologist Keith M. Douds explains how and when to step in with grace and preserve safety so that everyone has a chance to share and be listened to.
Children and Youth Can Dwell in the Word Too
Dwelling in the Word is a tool for helping people of all ages—even children—to read and reflect on the Bible together. Doing so helps them to see the Bible as an ongoing story in which God invites us to participate in God’s mission for the world.
Nine Tips to Effectively Embed Dwelling in the Word
The communal practice of Dwelling in the Word has great potential for building congregational bonds with God, each other, and neighbors. These nine tips can help your church discern God’s promised and preferred future for you as you wait for Christ to return and make all things new.
Dwelling in the Word: Simple Practice Leads to Spirit-led Mission
Explore Dwelling in the Word, a communal way of engaging Scripture that helps people encounter God, fellow dwellers, and other neighbors. The change happens over time as people repeatedly listen to and discuss the same passage.
Hablar con dignidad y valor cuando nos han silenciado con violencia
El testimonio: sacar la voz y tener la osadía de hablar sin tapujos.
Singing Psalms in Modern Worship
The psalms were written to be sung. But if your church favors guitar and band-led modern worship, how do you sing the psalms? Songwriter Wendell Kimbrough answers this question through the use of short antiphonal psalm refrains that are singable and memorable for his congregation and provide a musical entry point into a psalm. They have become a beloved staple in his home congregation’s worship. In this workshop, Wendell will share some favorite psalm refrains, discuss the mechanics of their use, and respond to questions from attendees. The goal is for all attendees to go home with a plan for regularly incorporating musical psalms into their worship services.
Biblical Thinking for the Regular Folks and Leaders in Your Church
This workshop is designed for interested lay folks, ministry leaders, and pastors for the sake of exploring the expansive intellectual/spiritual tradition of scripture. The biblical thought-world can hold its own with the ancient Greeks and modern scientific enterprise alike, yet we often don’t understand how scripture’s “thinking” can guide us through the thorniest issues in our culture. This workshop will help participants learn to think alongside the biblical authors by accessing the coherent systems of ideas across the Old and New testaments that not only permeate our own cultural and intellectual traditions, but offer a sophisticated critique of our society.
Dru Johnson on Bible Literacy, Fluency, and Engagement
Biblical scholar Dru Johnson explains how churches and even the U.S. criminal justice system might be different if more people who identify as Christian were more familiar with the whole of Scripture.
El sermón: pedagogía para cuestionar los poderes del mundo
Lugar donde aprendemos a cuestionar radicalmente los poderes que operan en el mundo.
The Book of Ezekiel
A reflection on the preaching texts for the 2024 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Ken Boer on Biblevox: Memorizing Scripture through Song
For many Christians, Bible verses and passages are often easier to memorize when set to music. Worship pastor Ken Boer designed the website Biblevox to help people find word-for-word scripture songs.