A Choral Reading of Psalm 105
This choral reading of Psalm 105 is adapted for 17 speakers.
A Choral Reading of Psalm 126
This choral reading of Psalm 126 is adapted for 2 speakers.
A Choral Reading of Psalm 104
This choral reading of Psalm 104 is adapted for 4 speakers.
Congregations and Sermons: A Biblical Scholar's Vision for Imaginative, Communal Sermon Listening
Most of us consider the Bible more than an anthology or a textual repository for the ancient Israelites' and early Christians' religious traditions.
Jon DeVries on Enacted Revelation Passages
Maybe you have been moved by the power of enacted scripture dramas at a Calvin Symposium on Worship. Now you can learn from Jon DeVries how to create them.
Singing Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer: Lily Constantine Kakish and Eric Sarwar
Lily Constantine Kakish and Eric Sarwar share their stories of how they have witnessed the identity-shaping impact of singing Psalms and the Lord's Prayer in the Arabic language and tune.
Revelation 22: The River of Life/El río de la vida
A bi-lingual worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017
Singing Psalms: An Outpouring of Contemporary Song for Congregational Use
Remarkably, even since the publication of Psalms for All Seasons just a few years ago, over 30 new Psalm-based songwriting and recording projects have emerged from a variety of contemporary worship leaders across North America and beyond. While some of these settings are designed for solo voices, many are well-suited to congregational use, and are worthy heirs to the legacy of congregation-based Psalms re-established by Luther and Calvin.
Revelation 4-5: The Songs in the Heavenly Throne Room
A worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017
Revelation 7: The Great Multitude of God's People
A worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017
Revelation 1: The Faithful Witness Revealed
A worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017
Wendell Kimbrough on Singing Creation Psalms
A regular discipline of writing psalm refrains helped one musician notice psalms in which creation and God’s people call each other to worship the Creator.