
Ron Rienstra on Liturgical Performance and Improvisation

You might think of performance as totally out of place in Holy Communion. But performance and improvisation can help leaders and worshipers show and tell the gospel with their whole selves.

July 21, 2017

Teaching Children about the Meaning of the Lord's Supper

Gathering at God's Table is a new, vividly-illustrated bilingual children's book which introduces young children to the meaning and significance of the Lord's Supper

February 22, 2017

The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving at Baptism and the Lord's Supper

In the past 40 years, many Protestant communions have recovered a robust, historically-oriented prayer of thanksgiving at celebrations of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

February 14, 2017
New Heavens and New Earth

This final worship service is based on the text of Isaiah 65, where we look toward the new heavens and new earth. By celebrating communion together in this service, we anticipate this glorious day.

April 18, 2016

Recordação: Uma Verdade Incompleta

Todos os anos, eu peço aos meus alunos do seminário que me digam como eles imaginam que as crianças de 8 e 9 anos de suas congregações resumiriam o ponto principal da Ceia do Senhor em uma frase-resumo. Invariavelmente, a grande, grande maioria responde "A Ceia é sobre recordar a morte de Jesus".

September 23, 2015
Duane Kelderman on Weddings and Worship

A Christian wedding is a reflection of the people getting married. But the wedding is not meant to be just about one couple. A Christian wedding at its best is also a form of worship in which God calls and the gathered people respond.

June 16, 2015
Water, Wheat, and Honey: A Recipe for Abundant Life

In this workshop we join the surprising journey of a group of emerging adults who volunteered to help fourth graders bake bread for their first Communion.

February 23, 2015