Wording the Sunday Sermon
One of the preacher’s big challenges is finding language for the Sunday sermon that will engage the most of her or his listeners. But what kind of language is that? What are some of its features?
Making the Sermon Work
Preachers know that Sundays are relentless—there seems to be one every week. Mary Hulst and Peter Jonker are every-week preachers, too; each of whom has recently written a book to help preachers tackle their daunting task successfully week after week.
Making the Sermon Work
Preachers know that Sundays are relentless—there seems to be one every week. Mary Hulst and Peter Jonker are every-week preachers, too; each of whom has recently written a book to help preachers tackle their daunting task successfully week after week.
Sandra Van Opstal on Multicultural Preaching
A majority of U.S. Christians born before 1965 are white. However, the fastest growing groups in the U.S. as a whole and in its churches are people of color. Preaching must change to reflect this diversity so that all generations and nations can encounter God through the Word
Sandra Van Opstal on Multicultural Preaching
A majority of U.S. Christians born before 1965 are white. However, the fastest growing groups in the U.S. as a whole and in its churches are people of color. Preaching must change to reflect this diversity so that all generations and nations can encounter God through the Word
Worship and Citizenship in an Age of Divisive Politics
One of our callings as Christians is to live as resourceful and redemptive citizens of the countries in which we live—a vexing challenge in an age of political division in so many countries around the world represented at the Symposium.
Solid Resources for Lively Preaching
Preachers know that unless they receive fresh input from good resources, sooner or later their weekly output in the sermon will get thinner and thinner. But where are the solid resources on which the preacher can rely? What best practices exist to enrich preaching?
Solid Resources for Lively Preaching
Preachers know that unless they receive fresh input from good resources, sooner or later their weekly output in the sermon will get thinner and thinner. But where are the solid resources on which the preacher can rely? What best practices exist to enrich preaching?
L. Gregory Jones on Traditioned Innovation in Worship
Worship conversations change when you choose to see tradition as a lively center from which to innovate. This provides common ground between those who fear change and those who overvalue change.
The Promise and Peril of Preaching for Revival: Lessons from George Whitefield's Life and Ministry
Seasons of renewal are God's gift to the church. They are also occasions for controversy and division. Together we reflect on one of history's greatest revival preachers to understand not only how revivals come but what follows in their aftermath.
Jennifer Ackerman on Courageous Conversations among Pastors
The Micah Groups program brings together pastors from diverse denominational, theological and ethnic contexts, all who desire to become empowered wise preachers. They seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Over time, they build enough trust to have courageous conversations about worship, preaching and justice.
Jennifer Ackerman on Courageous Conversations among Pastors
The Micah Groups program brings together pastors from diverse denominational, theological and ethnic contexts, all who desire to become empowered wise preachers. They seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Over time, they build enough trust to have courageous conversations about worship, preaching and justice.