
Prayer in the Life of a Third Millennium Monastery: What We're Learning

This session featured stories, prayers, and insights from the first year of the Stockbridge Boiler Room, a simple Christian community that practices a daily rhythm of prayer, study, and celebration while caring actively for the poor and the lost.

January 1, 2009
The Long Prayer: Offering Prayers in Public Worship

Whether pre-written, extemporaneous, or a combination, the prayer offered in worship on Sunday morning is probably the longest single prayer most people hear all week. As pastors and worship leaders, our public prayers reveal much about our habits of mind even as those prayers have a shaping influence on how the congregation prays all week. This workshop looked at the place of prayer in public worship and will offer practical suggestions for offering prayers that are theologically imaginative and pastorally sensitive.

January 1, 2008
Christ's Priesthood and Our Praises

This workshop will explore the implications for liturgy and preaching which arrive from recognizing afresh 1-- the reality of Christ's priesthood and 2-- that we are, in George Herbert's phrase, "Secretaries of thy praise."

January 1, 2008

An Invitation to 'The Liturgy of the Hours'

From the age of the Apostles, to the Early Church Fathers, to the Middle Ages, to the present, we are invited to join that great cloud of witnesses who have worshiped God around the clock from hour to hour, from one time-zone to the next, in ceaseless prayer and praise. This session explored how to incorporate the rhythm of what some call 'The Liturgy of the Hours' into busy contemporary life.

January 1, 2008
Praying with the Early Church: Crucial Lessons about Intercessory Prayer

This session reviewed several prayer texts from the third to the fifth century, and then probed the very practical ways they might challenge us to pray more deeply in worship today.

January 1, 2008

Uncovering the Blessing of Fixed-Hour Prayer

Whether you call it the divine office, praying the hours, or common prayer, this ancient treasure of Christian heritage is hidden in plain sight. A feature story exploring the blessing of fixed-hour prayer.

April 17, 2006
Three Prayer Veterans tell why they’ve stuck with fixed-hour prayer

Meet three people who feel called to fixed-hour prayer, admit it has its ups and downs, and can’t imagine not doing it. As important as common prayer is in their lives, all also advise practicing other forms of prayer as well.

April 17, 2006

The Rhythm of God's Grace

Today's hectic pace of life leaves little time for prayer. Daily morning and evening prayer is an ancient treasure of the church that offers a worshipful way to live and pray, no matter how busy our lives feel. Learn more about this classical mode of prayer and how you can incorporate its wisdom into your daily life.

January 1, 2006
Praying for Christians in Egypt (and elsewhere)

It was just a simple email between friends--but now a Canadian congregation prays for Christians in Egypt. Your church can just as easily make congregational prayers more global. A feature story exploring the inclusion of Global concerns in our congregational prayers.

December 9, 2005