Pastoral Care

Christian Funerals: Going to be with God

Thomas Long makes a case for classic Christian funeral traditions. Howard Vanderwell and Leonard VanderZee offer pastoral considerations for planning funerals and memorial services. A feature story exploring the planning for Christian Funerals and Memorial Services.

October 26, 2007
Hospitality Is Messy

These days hospitality may most often be associated with a Martha Stewart-esque home decor complete with fluffed pillows and fresh flowers placed just so. In Scripture, though, it means something quite different than creating the perfect environment. Instead, hospitality refers to creating a space in which relationships can develop.

September 1, 2007
Church Anniversaries Worth Celebrating

As good as it is to reconnect with former pastors and see old church photos, there's a lot more you can do to plan a meaningful church anniversary in your congregation or denomination. A feature story exploring the celebration of church anniversaries.

January 23, 2007

Sports and Mennonites Don’t Mix. Or Do They?

As good as it is to reconnect with former pastors and see old church photos, there's a lot more you can do to plan a meaningful church anniversary in your congregation or denomination. A feature story exploring the celebration of church anniversaries.

January 23, 2007
Worship in Difficult Times

All congregations experience crises, transitions, and conflicts. Worship will be affected by these difficult times, and can be the place where healing begins and continues.

January 1, 2007
Providence, Preaching, and Pastoral Care

In this session philosopher John Cooper presented key points in the theology and philosophy that undergirds our understanding of God's providential care in a world where terrible things happen all the time. Why do bad things happen to good people? Scott Hoezee connected these thoughts to the pastoral care that preachers can provide from the pulpit. This session aimed to be both rigorously thoughtful and pastorally practical for the life of the church.

January 1, 2007

Preaching as a Pastoral Care

While preaching is a craft and a skill to be carefully honed and developed, it is also a form of caring. Historically the preacher was called a "shepherd of souls," but cultural shifts have moved us away from this concept. This sectional examines the two-way street that exists in the integration of preaching and pastoral care. Good preaching provides pastoral care. Yet, at the same time good preaching is formed by pastoral care. Both sides of this balance will be examined.

January 1, 2007
Worship When Steeples Cry

In this workshop, participants were led to discover the form of Biblical lament and how lament can be used in worship to facilitate the revitalization of a Gospel community experiencing loss and change. The workshop was based on the presenter's book, When Steeples Cry: Leading Congregations through Loss and Change.

January 1, 2007
Miroslav Volf: Religious commitment that promotes peace, not violence

Miroslav Volf knows how difficult reconciliation can be. His books speak of Religious commitment that promotes peace, not violence. A feature story exploring new ways to think about worship and living as Christians in a violent world.

November 28, 2006

Ministry Models: How Churches Host and Partner with Refugees and Immigrants

Ethnic diversity is all around us in North America, and congregations can deepen their faith and grow their numbers by getting to know refugees and immigrants.

November 10, 2006
Laotian Refugees Start and Join Churches

Laotian refugees and the Christians who befriended them are surprised at how God has joined together people and churches from different languages, religious assumptions, and life experiences. A feature story exploring the stories of Laotian refugees who have started and joined churches.

November 10, 2006
Profile: How to Prepare When You're the Pulpit Supply

There’s no need to sit back and wait for a congregation to clue you in about your upcoming guest sermon arrangements. Take the initiative to find information that will help you enter a new church feeling confident, prepared, and on time to bring God’s Word.

October 13, 2006