
Leadership in Times of Change

Change is always happening in the church, whether we like it or not! The challenge for leaders is to manage that change in ways that lead to greater health in their congregations, rather than conflict and discontent.

April 6, 2011
Why Study Worship Worldwide?

The topic of the book Christian Worship Worldwide is endlessly interesting, profoundly instructive, and unmanageably large. The scope is nothing short of the worship practices of the world's two billion Christians.

March 2, 2011

Symposium 2011 - Someday You'll Be a Good Preacher

The journey to good preaching is as filled with twists and turns as a Rocky Mountain highway. Stan Mast is a veteran road warrior who shares hard-won insights into what it takes to become a good preacher. Special attention is paid to the sharp-tongued critics who can drive aspiring preachers off the road.

January 28, 2011
Symposium 2011 - Parachurch vs. Church: A False Dichotomy

How should we think about the relationship between the local church and parachurch ministries, especially in regard to worship practices? These and other questions will be considered by a panel of scholars and parachurch leaders.

January 28, 2011

Parenting in the Pew: The Call, Cost, and Challenge of Children in the Sanctuary

Based on the book Parenting in the Pew, this session considered ways the church and home can work together to train children for participation in worship with the intergenerational community.

January 28, 2011
Symposium 2011 - Alleluias Concentrated: Enabling Expansive Worship in Small Membership Congregations

"If we only had / could ..." can become too common a phrase in smaller congregations. This session equipped and encouraged even the smallest congregation --or small group within a larger community-- to design and experience deep, joy-filled worship using everything God has given them and requiring nothing more.

January 28, 2011
Beginning a Communal Conversation: A Process for Developing Intergenerational Worship

The way in which we worship and express faith must remain supple and open to the change necessary to be heard in an changing world.

December 17, 2010

Greg Scheer on Working with Worship Committees

"People fear the unknown above all. You lie awake worrying about what might happen," says Greg Scheer, minister of worship at Church of the Servant in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Worship changes often make people fear they'll lose power, feel discomfort, or watch meaningful traditions erode.

December 6, 2010