Finding a Job You Can Love
A service plan based on Ecclesiastes 2:17-26 focused on selecting our vocation, which should be a source of productivity, satisfaction and meaning for us as image-bearers of God who have been redeemed in Christ in a series focused on vocation and how our faith and our work are integrated.
The Church That Troubles - Acts 17
A worship service plan focusing on the challenge for the Christian church to be a redemptive tool in the hand of the risen Christ. Worshipers will hear how the early church was obedient to Christ's call and be faced with the challenge to do the same.
Divine Glory: A Song Worth Singing/Show Us Your Glory - Revelation 5 (sympos 07)
A service adapted from one prepared by Brother Max Thurian of the Community of Taizé. The liturgy draws from various Christian traditions, in order to express the faith held in common by churches throughout the world.
When Work Is An Adventure
A service plan based on Psalm 8:5-8 and Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 calling out the need for human beings made in the image of God to have purpose and excitement in their work in a series focused on vocation and how our faith and our work are integrated.
Growing With Peter Series: On the Mountain with Jesus - Matthew 17
A service plan in a Lenten series on the transfiguration of Jesus and what impact that had on Peter.
Dislocated People - Celebrating World Communion Sunday - Ephesians 1
A service plan and resource suggestions for World Communion Sunday. Although the unity of the church needs constant attention, days like this give us opportunity to recommit ourselves to the life of unity to which Christ calls us.
May We All Be One! - World Communion Sunday - John 17
A service plan for World Communion Sunday. This service celebrates with the Church of Christ in all cultures.
Religion and Work - Do They Mix?
A service plan based on Exodus 20 and Colossians 3 addressing our attitudes toward daily work and what our faith has to do with shaping these attitudes in a series focused on vocation and how our faith and work are integrated.
Fleming Rutledge: Proclaiming God's mighty Word
Do you believe God has a special task for American Christians? Fleming Rutledge does. But she thinks evangelical Christians won't understand that task unless they return to the Bible and talk with each other. A feature story exploring the ways to proclaim God's almighty word.
Getting to Know Each Other: Pastors from two denominations share stories
Christians sometimes think they must water down their identities to find common ground with people from different Christian traditions. Eleazar Merriweather and John Witvliet offer a refreshing alternative. A feature story exploring relationships between denominations.
Japanese Church Music: Reaching back and reaching forward
After the first Catholic missionaries visited Japan in 1549, many people became Christians. But less than a century later, Japan expelled all missionaries and priests, banned Christianity, and cut off cultural contact with former trading partners.
Reformed Churches Worldwide: A common heritage
The heart of Christian worship remains the same, whether you worship in Ghana, Mexico, China, or Japan, according to worship music expert Emily Brink. A feature story exploring the reformed church around the world.