Cultural Diversity

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Veterans Resource Guide

These resources focus on PTSD as a result of combat or military exposure. Many voices are calling for the church to be a significant partner in the complex readjustment process of returning home.

June 27, 2011

Just Worship

We listen to the cry of the prophet Isaiah, voicing God's call to God's people regarding the true nature of worship and the inextricable bond between our relationship with God and our relationship with one another, and particularly with the most downtrodden among us.

March 18, 2011

Why Study Worship Worldwide?

The topic of the book Christian Worship Worldwide is endlessly interesting, profoundly instructive, and unmanageably large. The scope is nothing short of the worship practices of the world's two billion Christians.

March 2, 2011