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With a Shout conference: Presenter Information

Dr. Boogaart has extended his teaching ministry outward by leading many retreats and seminars and by teaching nearly weekly in area churches. He is the author of two books and many articles in Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought, and Western's Reformed Review. Dr. Boogaart also directs Western's Doctor of Ministry degree program.

With a Shout: What Difference Does the Ascension Make for Everyday Life?
Calvin Theological Seminary
May 25, 2006

Presenter Information

Thomas Boogaart, professor of Old Testament at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan. A.B. Calvin College, M.Div. Western Theological Seminary, Ph.D. University of Groningen

Dr. Boogaart has extended his teaching ministry outward by leading many retreats and seminars and by teaching nearly weekly in area churches. He is the author of two books and many articles in Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought, and Western's Reformed Review. Dr. Boogaart also directs Western's Doctor of Ministry degree program.

Gerrit Scott Dawson, author of Jesus Ascended: The Meaning of Christ's Continuing Incarnation, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. B.A. Vanderbuilt University, M.Div. Princeton Theological Seminary, D.Min. Reformed Theological Seminary

Rev. Dawson carries on an active writing ministry, focusing on Christian spiritual growth and the person and work of Christ. One of his most recent books Given and Sent in One Love: The True Church of Jesus Christ explores the love of God in Jesus Christ as the basis for the life of the church. It moves from the life of Christ to the current state of the church, offering a bold way forward for Presbyterian churches. His most ambitious work, Jesus Ascended: The Meaning of Christ's Continuing Incarnation, was published by T&T Clark in 2004.

Stephen Davis, Russell K. Pitzer professor of Philosophy at Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, California, and ordained minister in the PCUSA. B.A. Whitworth College, M.Div. Princeton Theological Seminary, Ph.D. Claremont Graduate University

Stephen Davis has published widely in the area of Philosophy of Religion. Books by him include: God, Reason, and Theistic Proofs (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1977), Risen Indeed: Making Sense of the Resurrection (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1993), Death and Afterlife (New York: St Martin's Press, 1989), and Encountering Jesus: A Debate on Christology (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1988.) More recently, Stephen has edited collections with Daniel Kendall, S.J. and Gerald O'Collins, S.J. which resulted from interdisciplinary symposia held between 1999 and 2004. The Redemption, The Incarnation, and The Trinity were each published by Oxford University Press. In his article for The Trinity, Stephen critiques recent arguments against orthodox views on the incarnation.

Greg Scheer, minister of worship at Church of the Servant, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and a published composer of worship songs. B.A. University of Rhode Island, M.A. University of Pittsburgh

Greg Scheer's writings include his forthcoming book, The Art of Worship (Baker Books, Fall of 2006) and contributions to Reformed Worship, The Hymn: A Journal of Congregational Song (“Hands Around the World: An Introduction to African and Latin American Percussion in Worship,” The Hymn 57:3, Summer 2006, 16-22), Call to Worship, Worship Leader and a chapter in New Songs of Celebration Render (forthcoming, GIA, ed C. Michael Hawn). His music is available from Augsburg Fortress, WorshipToday, Faith Alive (forthcoming) and at

Laura Smit, Dean of the Chapel and assistant professor of religion at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. B.A. Calvin College, M.Div. Calvin Theological Seminary, Ph.D. Medieval Philosophy and Theological Aesthetics, Boston University

In her capacity as the Dean of the Chapel, Smit helps to oversee the chapel program and the integration of faith and learning at the college. She is the author of numerous articles, Serving In Weakness (a study of 2 Corinthians) and most recently a book on the theology and ethics of romance: Loves Me, Loves Me Not: The Ethics of Unrequited Love (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 2005). She served for three years as the youth director of the First Presbyterian Church of Buffalo and for six years as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Clayton. While she continues to retain her Presbyterian ordination, in 2004 Smit was also ordained in the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

Betsy Steele Halstead, Resource Development Specialist for the Visual Arts, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. B.A. Calvin College, M.A. Fuller Theological Seminary

Elizabeth (Betsy) Steele Halstead coordinates the visual arts work of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Her areas of interest include encouraging life-long learning for leaders and laity of the church, and interdisciplinary studies, with particular focus on the integration of theology and the arts. She is an artist who works in printmaking and oils. Her recently published Visuals for Worship combines woodcut images of Christian symbols with introductory statements and is offered on a CD for practical application in the church.

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