The Church for the Sake of the World: Urban Challenges Today
This workshop focused on discerning and acting on the call to integrate worship with ministry in order to be with those who are least and last through the example of LaSalle Street Church in downtown Chicago with a 40 year history in social engagement.
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The church exists for the sake of the world. For the urban church that statement takes on a particular complexion as the church provides hands-on assistance for the elderly, meals to the hungry and homeless, licensed counseling to the marginalized and legal representation to the accused. Perhaps your church is being called to get more involved in practical works of justice and healing. This workshop focused on discerning and acting on the call to integrate worship with ministry in order to be with those who are least and last through the example of LaSalle Street Church in downtown Chicago with a 40 year history in social engagement.
Presented at the 2010 Calvin Symposium on Worship.