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Fleming Rutledge on Preaching the Cross of Christ
In this episode, Fleming Rutledge talks about her 2015 book The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, a life-long work which encourages preachers to proclaim the full gospel message: God is at work, helping us listen for Christ's living voice, enabling us to believe and hope in the midst of pain and suffering.
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Preaching Romans in Difficult Times
We have been and are living in a time of upheaval, fear, unrest, and finally so much death. The pandemic has in many places revealed cracks in the veneer of civilization, casting into bold relief the social and economic inequities that run like fault lines through most societies. Racially motivated violence, including at the hands of police forces, have unleashed deep desires for reform and for justice for all people. In and through it all, believers everywhere cry for reassurance, for comfort, for a hope that points to a better path ahead.
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Online Discipleship and Mindfulness
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted opportunities to learn together in the same physical space. But Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary offer short online courses for lifelong learners to engage topics such as embodied discipleship and mindfulness in a world gone virtual.
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