All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 25 Sort by: Title | Date Power Distance and Teaching María Eugenia Cornou invites reflection on how power distance impacts the dynamics between teachers and students, teaching contexts, and assignments. Video | May 08, 2023 Preaching and Teaching in Low-Power and High-Power Distance Cultures In this video series, María Eugenia Cornou defines the cultural value of power distance and the implications of low-power and high-power distance contexts for preaching and teaching. Video | May 08, 2023 Organizations and Power Distance María Eugenia Cornou introduces the cultural value of power distance and how it shapes societies and organizations. Video | May 08, 2023 Consider the Snail: Teaching and Learning Online Teaching and learning in a digital classroom, while having some benefits, also highlights the modern need to intentionally step back from completing to-do lists with maximum efficiency so we can simply be: to contemplate, to marvel at creation, to breathe. Article | September 18, 2020 Constance Cherry on Competing Metaphors for Worship Most churches measure worship services against a certain ideal. They may think of worship like a concert, entertainment, dialogue, or something else. Even if they have not consciously chosen an operating metaphor for worship, their pattern greatly influences how individuals and congregations live out their faith. Conversation | February 15, 2019 The Technicolor Jesus: Preaching the Drama of Mark’s Gospel Most preachers know all about Mark’s fast-paced, dramatic writing style. Audio | March 15, 2018 Bruce Theron on Word and Worship, a South African lectionary resource Across cultures and denominations, South African churches are growing in unity—thanks to the nation’s first ecumenical sermon and worship resource written in English. Conversation | March 16, 2017 What I Learned about Teaching Worship from a Chemistry Professor "What’s a POGIL?” I asked, half-seriously, half-laughingly. My wife, Sheila, a chemistry instructor in a university was attending a conference for chemistry educators about a pedagogy growing in popularity in science classrooms around the United States. She explained that POGIL is a method for teaching both class content and important skills such as critical thinking and teamwork without using a lecture format. Article | March 30, 2016 Six Tips on Teaching Worship in Seminaries Two seminaries seek the sweet spot among worship classes and chapel services. They aim to produce ministers ready to lead worshipers in full, conscious, active participation. Feature Story | August 29, 2014 The Wardrobe of Easter: Teaching God’s Word In this meditation, we consider the equally important task which rests upon the teachers within the Christian community. The Lord places upon them the duty to instruct faithfully and well so that others may learn and grow. Reflection | April 08, 2014 Proclamation in the Psalms for Christian Worship This workshop will explore trenchant proclamations in the psalms and suggest uses of these proclamations in Christian worship. Audio | Video | February 18, 2014 Integrating the Ascension into Teaching and Scholarship Breakout session by Laura Smit from With a Shout, a day-long conference held in 2006 exploring the meaning of the Ascension culminated in a community worship service at Woodlawn CRC. Audio | March 20, 2013 Yvette Lau on worship in Hong Kong Conversation with Yvette Lau about a worship symposium in Hong Kong. Conversation | May 12, 2011 Meeting the Holy Spirit through Preaching and the Arts Learn how one congregation used sermons and group creativity to help all ages become alive to the Spirit and more fully celebrate Pentecost. Feature Story | May 05, 2011 Matthew's Sermon on the Mount This study of Matthew 5-7 investigated the main teachings of the whole sermon and their relation to us, the Church, and the world. Audio | March 23, 2010 Preaching the Great Stories of Genesis An absentee father with a son of blistering hate; a frightened man pimping his wife; a penniless mother left to die; a husband beaten down by his wily woman. The stories from Genesis read like last night's news. Audio | March 22, 2010 Faith Formation in Worship Faith formation is not just for children—all of us are shaped in our faith by the way we come to God in worship. This session considered what it might mean if we have a faith formation focus as we plan worship. Audio | March 22, 2010 Baptism and the Lord's Supper: Embraced by the Triune God This session explored the deep Trinitarian meanings and implications of the sacraments. Though centered on our union with and participation in Christ, Baptism and the Lord's Supper draw us into the heart of the divine community we call Trinity. Audio | January 01, 2008 Vertical Habits: Practical Wisdom for Teaching Worship A panel of pastors and artists shared resources created by their congregations to teach "Vertical Habits," and described the fruit that developed in all areas of congregational life. Audio | January 01, 2008 Worship 101: The Building Blocks of a Biblical Approach to Worship This session explored some of the Bible's most fundamental teaching about worship, with an aim to equipping participants to teach this material in their own worshiping communities. This session is especially ideal for first-time Symposium attendees, as well as veterans who want to energize their own teaching ministries. Audio | January 01, 2008 1 2 Next »