All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 34 Sort by: Title | Date Arbin Pokharel on Shepherd Leadership in the Nepali Reformed Churches The Nepali Reformed Churches are learning about biblical ecclesiology and shepherd leadership to become more Christ-centered and to prepare for a potentially turbulent future. Churches around the world can apply this learning in their own contexts. Feature Story | September 02, 2024 Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us A conversation with Mark Charles and John D. Witvliet on the phrase "Lead Us Not Into Temptation" from the Lord's Prayer, as part of the series "Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us." Video | March 28, 2023 Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us A conversation with Mark Charles and John D. Witvliet on the phrase "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" from the Lord's Prayer, as part of the series "Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us." Video | March 28, 2023 Our Father in Heaven: Growing Into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us A conversation with Mark Charles and John D. Witvliet on the phrase "Our Father in Heaven" from the Lord's Prayer, as part of the series "Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us." Video | March 28, 2023 Forgive Us Our Sins: Growing Into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us A conversation with Mark Charles and John D. Witvliet on the phrase "Forgive Us Our Sins" from the Lord's Prayer, as part of the series "Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us." Video | March 28, 2023 Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done: Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us A conversation with Mark Charles and John D. Witvliet on the phrase "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done" from the Lord's Prayer, as part of the series "Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us." Video | March 28, 2023 Growing into the Prayer Jesus Taught Us A conversation with Mark Charles and John Witvliet on the Lord's Prayer. Video | January 25, 2023 Terry M. Wildman on First Nations Version New Testament In the new First Nations Version of the New Testament, Terry M. Wildman translates the good news about Jesus, Creator Sets Free, into cadences and concepts that resonate with indigenous First Nations people. Conversation | February 22, 2021 2018 JJ Thiessen Lecture #3 - Discipling Emotion, Singing at the Table, and Mutual Accountability Violence, Injustice, Trauma, and the Ordinary Practices of Christian Worship in a Social Media Age, a 3-part lecture series with Dr. John Witvliet Video | February 11, 2021 Shaping Worship During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Jesus’ Presence among First Nations Anglicans in Canada In this conversation, Mark L. MacDonald shares his insights challenges for worshiping in time of COVID-19 in his context of indigenous congregations in the Anglican Church of Canada. Conversation | May 01, 2020 Shaping Worship during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reviving Wesleyan Discipleship at Grant United Methodist Church, Fairmount, Indiana Not every church has the capacity to move worship online when pandemic public health directives require social and physical distancing. Pastor Constance Cherry explains how her small rural Methodist congregation is drawing on its Wesleyan heritage to help members worship and disciple each other. Article | Conversation | April 06, 2020 Mark L. MacDonald on Gospel-Based Discipleship and Indigenous Christians Archbishop Mark L. MacDonald speaks and writes about gospel inculturation in Indigenous ministries, especially among First Nations Anglicans in Canada. Churches everywhere can learn from the Indigenous Gospel-Based Discipleship model for worship, governance, and community life. Conversation | March 24, 2020 Indigenous Christian Worship Resources: Where to Start Many congregations are beginning to realize that they live, work, and worship on land taken from Indigenous people. Learning about First Nations and Native American Christians can help worshipers from other cultures see the gospel with new eyes. Article | March 19, 2020 Godspeed: Holy Pacing for Faithful Ministry 2019 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Seminar Audio | May 15, 2019 Gregory Heille on Pope Francis: ‘Instantly on Message’ From his first day in office, Pope Francis translated his Latin American perspective into a global vision for the Catholic Church. Conversation | August 02, 2018 Youth Heading toward Your Church: Preparing the Path from Parachurch to Church How can churches be ready to both disciple and learn from people who come to faith in parachurch ministries? Audio | May 15, 2018 Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship Join with John Swinton in a plenary session on disability, timefullness, and gentle discipleship. Video | April 27, 2018 “We Have Seen the Lord!”: Preaching the Johannine Narratives of Jesus’s Resurrection Appearances In this workshop we looked at John’s distinctive resurrection narratives, which emphasize both the restoration of Jesus’s relationship with his disciples broken by his death and the continuity of Jesus’s relationship with and care for all his disciples across time and place amidst the obvious differences brought about by his resurrection and return to the Father. Audio | March 16, 2018 Silence, Beauty, and the Shape of Christian Discipleship A video conversation and discussion guide to help shape Christian responses to questions of love and suffering, silence and beauty, as explored in the Martin Scorsese movie ‘Silence’ based on Shusaku Endo's novel. Article | Video | November 28, 2016 A Light to the Nations A worship service from Isaiah 60. The scripture readings are led by students from Northwestern College and Richard J. Mouw is preaching. Video | Worship Service | April 29, 2016 1 2 Next »