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Brink' 1 - 18 of 18 Sort by: Title | Date Psalm 18: Zaboor 18 This setting of Psalm 18 was submitted by Emily R. Brink and Eric Sarwar, who prepared an English translation of the most loved psalm from the Punjabi Zaboor - Punjabi Psalter - of 1908 [Punjab is an area encompassing both eastern Pakistan and northern India]. The responsorial structure includes a refrain [v. 1] and 3 stanzas [vs. 16–19] in both the original Punjabi and in English translation. Musical Composition | Video | December 21, 2020 When the Story about a Song Changes How We Sing the Song 2020 Symposium on Worship | Seminar Audio | February 17, 2020 Psalms of Lament and Hope from the North Indian Sub-Continent 2019 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Vesper Video | Worship Service | March 07, 2019 Singing Our Savior's Story: Songs for Congregations, Choirs and Worship Teams This seminar explores a rich variety of music that reflects deeply on the life of Jesus, and it is appropriate for any service based on one of the four New Testament gospels, including some songs that focus on "telling the story," others that are adept at "unpacking the meaning of the story," and still others that "help us see ourselves taken up into the story." Video | March 07, 2017 Singing Bilingually in Spanish and English: A Vision and Resources for Singing Together on the Journey of Faith In North America, we have a splendid opportunity in the years and decades ahead to learn to sing bilingually, transcending a language divide in ways that help us all learn and grow together as we discover scripturally inspired songs from a variety of contexts and cultures. Video | March 02, 2017 What J.S. Bach's Music Means for Worship Today What is it like to be a church musician today in the same place that J.S. Bach once worked? In what ways can Bach's music be a model for us? Audio | February 15, 2017 Rediscovering the Beauty of Rest Resources in the Bahasa Indo language from the Malang Choral Festival II held in Indonesia. Resource Guide | October 27, 2016 In Memoriam The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship remembers with gratitude the lives of former presenters who blessed the Calvin Symposium on Worship with their gifts of knowledge, skill and wisdom. Article | September 09, 2015 What North American Churches Can Learn from the Church in Pakistan Join this conversation between Eric Sarwar, a Presbyterian pastor from Pakistan, and Emily Brink, Worship Institute staff member, about how Pakistani worship practices can bless and inform the Christian church in North America. Audio | February 23, 2015 Wise Church: Learning from the World-Wide Church Whether in Toledo, Toronto, Taipei, Tehran, or Tegucigalpa, worship of the Triune God has many commonalities, and followers of Jesus have much to learn from one another. Audio | February 27, 2014 The Pastoral Resources of the Psalms Drawing on the breadth of expression in the Psalms, we will identify how in private pastoral encounters as in public worship arenas the psalms—spoken or sung—can minister to our deepest needs and potentials. Audio | January 26, 2012 Symposium 2011 - A Conversation with Mary Mikhael, President of the Near East School of Theology in Beirut Participants are invited to engage in a conversation further exploring the issues raised in the plenary session: what it is like to be a Christian and a woman in the Middle East today? Audio | January 28, 2011 Background of the Worshiping The Triune God statement An overview and introduction of 'Worshiping the Triune God,' a statement of faith and wisdom on worship and spirituality produced by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Article | January 07, 2011 We Believe...: A service based on the Nicene Creed The Sunday after Pentecost is often called Trinity Sunday in recognition that all three persons of the Trinity have now been remembered and celebrated in the great festivals of the Christian year. Article | March 06, 2006 Global Perspectives on Worship In this Symposium session, we explore cultural and liturgical issues our brothers and sisters are addressing, especially in Africa and Asia - for example, intergenerational and multicultural worship; use of indigenous songs, instruments, and dance; use of technology; challenges of religious pluralism. We explore how God is building his church in ways that move us all closer to the unity we have in Christ even as we celebrate the gifts of cultural diversity. Audio | January 01, 2006 Imaginative Options for Prelude, Offertory, Postlude A transcribed address on the purpose, place and importance of a prelude, offertory, and postlude in a worship service Article | June 17, 2005 A Reformed Approach to Psalmody: The Legacy of the Genevan Psalter The Genevan Psalter is the most important source of metrical psalmody in the continental Reformed tradition. Article | June 10, 2005 Reformed Churches Worldwide: A common heritage The heart of Christian worship remains the same, whether you worship in Ghana, Mexico, China, or Japan, according to worship music expert Emily Brink. A feature story exploring the reformed church around the world. Feature Story | January 07, 2005