All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Resources by 'Anne Emile Zaki' 1 - 19 of 19 Sort by: Title | Date Preaching and Peacemaking What is the role of preaching in situations of deep conflict and division? How can preaching participate in the Christian call to peacemaking? This panel will explore the connections between gospel preaching and peacemaking efforts. Video | June 30, 2024 God’s Glory Departs from Israel Led in Korean and English by the Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church Choir, directed by Chan Gyu Jang; the Living Water Church Worship Team, directed by Yohan Lee; and members of the Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary Korean communities. Anne Zaki will preach on Ezekiel 10–11, “God’s Glory Departs from Israel.” Video | Worship Service | June 17, 2024 Anne Emile Zaki on Global Growth in Mutual Learning An Egyptian seminary professor and preacher explains the importance of “a posture of general humility” so that global Christians can learn from and worship with each other. Conversation | February 01, 2024 Decades-Long Spiritual Formation An international pastoral leader, a public theologian, and a young scholar explain how the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship has impacted them—and made room for them to influence CICW and others. Feature Story | February 01, 2024 The Word in the World: Five Continental Perspectives on Preaching Those who master the art of preaching cultivate the gift of listening and excel in understanding the needs and questions their audiences bring to public worship. This is also true for preachers ministering around the globe. If you are intrigued about how preaching develops in other countries and would like to learn more about themes, preferred styles, the use of the arts, and other preaching-related topics, do not miss this conversation with preachers from five different continents. Session | October 17, 2023 Worship with Heliopolis Evangelical Church in Cairo, Egypt This service takes place at Heliopolis Evangelical Church in Cairo, Egypt. It is a service of the word based on Romans 8:14-17. Video | Worship Service | October 29, 2020 Preaching Romans in Difficult Times We have been and are living in a time of upheaval, fear, unrest, and finally so much death. The pandemic has in many places revealed cracks in the veneer of civilization, casting into bold relief the social and economic inequities that run like fault lines through most societies. Racially motivated violence, including at the hands of police forces, have unleashed deep desires for reform and for justice for all people. In and through it all, believers everywhere cry for reassurance, for comfort, for a hope that points to a better path ahead. Video | October 29, 2020 Anne Emile Zaki on Preaching and Teaching in Today’s Egypt After becoming a seminary professor in Egypt in 2013, Anne Zaki discovered two things about preaching that she hadn’t learned in the North American context. Conversation | June 15, 2018 How the News Shapes Our Prayers and Preaching If our public prayers and preaching are at all responsive to the needs of the world, then how we glean information about the world is crucial. Video | May 02, 2016 New Heavens and New Earth This final worship service is based on the text of Isaiah 65, where we look toward the new heavens and new earth. By celebrating communion together in this service, we anticipate this glorious day. Video | Worship Service | April 18, 2016 Worship and Citizenship in an Age of Divisive Politics One of our callings as Christians is to live as resourceful and redemptive citizens of the countries in which we live—a vexing challenge in an age of political division in so many countries around the world represented at the Symposium. Video | April 04, 2016 Worship and Discipleship: As It Was…Is…and Shall Be Nine church leaders and scholars recall and predict hot topics in worship, discipleship and discernment from 1995 to 2025. Feature Story | May 05, 2015 Journeying to the Light: A Pilgrimage of Prayer and Praise An evening worship service from the 2015 Calvin Symposium on Worship focusing on Psalms 15-24. Video | Worship Service | March 12, 2015 Worship and Discipleship: Unresolved Questions in Contemporary Ministry This workshop features candid, wide-ranging discussions about the most important themes that worshiping communities may need to address in the next 10 years. Audio | February 26, 2015 Wise Church: Learning from the World-Wide Church Whether in Toledo, Toronto, Taipei, Tehran, or Tegucigalpa, worship of the Triune God has many commonalities, and followers of Jesus have much to learn from one another. Audio | February 27, 2014 Prayers of the People: A Spirit-Shaped Agenda for the Next Decade of Worship Ministry A plenary session on the prayers of the people Video | February 21, 2014 Learning from and Praying for the Worldwide Church How can a congregation in one part of the world best pray for our neighbors around the world? Listen and learn, with resources from and for different parts of the Church, including stories from natives of different countries and cultures. Audio | Video | February 17, 2014 Worship Service: Psalm 113 This service of Psalm 113, Exalted Over All the Nations, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2012. Utilizing leaders from around the world, the service echoed the words "Praise the Lord, all you nations: all peoples, praise the Lord." Audio | Video | Worship Service | January 28, 2012 Anne Zaki on the worship symposium in Hong Kong Conversation with Anne Zaki on the worship symposium in Hong Kong Conversation | June 27, 2011