All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 21 - 40 of 48 Sort by: Title | Date Becoming a Reconciling Community In this workshop, we focused on what it looks like for a church to be committed to racial reconciliation for the long haul and offered five foundational practices for becoming a reconciling community. Audio | May 15, 2018 Songs of the Refugees Songs and prayers of the refugees, a vesper service led by Jaewoo Kim and Proskuneo held at Worship Symposium 2018. Video | April 25, 2018 Mutuality in Worship: Sharing Our Stories and Gifts This workshop focused on practical ways to involve people's stories, songs, and gifts in our corporate worship times—all with the goal of unity in diversity. Audio | April 13, 2018 Singing Spirituals, Singing Gospel In this workshop, we sang spirituals, traditional and contemporary songs, praise and worship songs, inspirational songs, and children's music. Audio | April 06, 2018 Jubilation, Awe, Penitence, and Petition in Corporate Worship in Kenya In this session Prof. Kidula shared contemporary congregational music in Kenya by using examples birthed out of diverse situations and locations on the continent and in the country. Audio | February 14, 2018 Praise or Noisy Gong?: A Musicologist's Vision for Loving Your Neighbor Differences in musical tastes, aesthetics and priorities are notoriously contentious issues for congregations and ministries to navigate. Audio | July 06, 2017 Christian Worship in North America and Asia Ecumenical, post-colonial perspectives on varieties of contemporary songs Video | May 11, 2017 Indonesian Musicians on Inculturating Indonesian Christian Worship Christians who bring the gospel to other cultures often struggle to discern the difference between the essence of Christianity and its cultural packaging. That is true in Indonesia as well. Conversation | May 11, 2017 Introducing Songs from Other Cultures: Alfredo Colman Ethnomusicologist Alfredo Colman encourages musicians who lead congregational songs from other cultures to engage with someone from that culture in order to understand and find ways in introduce songs in worship that respect and honor God and the culture. Video | March 27, 2017 Singing Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer: Lily Constantine Kakish and Eric Sarwar Lily Constantine Kakish and Eric Sarwar share their stories of how they have witnessed the identity-shaping impact of singing Psalms and the Lord's Prayer in the Arabic language and tune. Video | March 23, 2017 Revelation 22: The River of Life/El río de la vida A bi-lingual worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017 Video | March 13, 2017 Revelation 21-27: The New Heaven and Earth A worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017 Video | March 13, 2017 Singing Our Savior's Story: Songs for Congregations, Choirs and Worship Teams This seminar explores a rich variety of music that reflects deeply on the life of Jesus, and it is appropriate for any service based on one of the four New Testament gospels, including some songs that focus on "telling the story," others that are adept at "unpacking the meaning of the story," and still others that "help us see ourselves taken up into the story." Video | March 07, 2017 Revelation 1: The Faithful Witness Revealed A worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017 Video | February 24, 2017 Revelation 7: The Great Multitude of God's People A worship service held at Worship Symposium 2017 Video | February 24, 2017 Worship and Proclamation in a Multicultural and Multigenerational Congregation There are many challenges and opportunities to liturgy and proclamation in a multicultural and multi-generational context. This session seeks to unpack both a theology and practice for this ministry. Audio | February 23, 2017 Music from African-American Traditions for Use in Any Congregation One of the remarkable stories about music that has emerged out of African-American communities is its reception in communities of diverse cultural backgrounds all over the world. Audio | February 15, 2017 Four Essentials for Multicultural Worship Churches can become more multicultural through traditioned innovation based on prayer, intention, hospitality and discomfort. Feature Story | October 09, 2015 The Next Worship: Coming to the Table in a Multicultural World The Table is a dominant image for Christ followers gathering together to worship him. It communicates friendship, commitment, and intimacy. The church is in need of leaders who will work towards seeing every tribe and tongue present, reconciled, and celebrating diversity at the Table of corporate worship. Audio | February 23, 2015 Multigenerational, Multicultural Worship: Reports and Testimonies from Worship Renewal Grant Recipients When people of all ages and cultures are invited to bring their gifts to plan and lead worship through music, spoken word and the arts, transformation begins. Leaders from diverse congregations offered practical ideas that have engaged people of various ages and cultures and tell us what they have learned. Audio | February 22, 2013 « Previous 1 2 3 Next »