Published on
October 28, 2013
Video length
79 min

This hymn festival took place at South Grandville CRC in Grandville, MI on October 13, 2013.

The congregation of  South Grandville CRC in Grandville, MI worshiped with a hymn festival featuring the new hymnal Lift Up Your Hearts. The festival encouraged singing the whole story of God and God’s people through vibrant congregational song.  The theme for this hymn festival was Singing the Whole Story: His Love Endures Forever.

The Hymn Festival was held on Sunday, October 13 at 5:30 PM at South Grandville CRC in Grandville, MI.


Singing the Whole Story: His Love Endures Forever

Prelude: Four Chorale Preludes on “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”      Larry Visser                               

Introit: Come, All You People                                              LUYH 496
(Stanza 1: Choral Scholars in Shona; followed by stanza 1-3: congregation in English)


*Greeting from the Lord 

*Hymn of Praise: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling              LUYH 351                                    

Creation – Fall – God's Covenant Faithfulness

Reflection: The story we’re re-telling this evening began in the heart of our Triune God.  We trace our world and everything in it back to the Father’s voice, who said:  “Let there be”.  In Colossians 1 Paul tells us ‘in Christ all things were created … all things have been created through Him and for Him.”  And at the beginning the Spirit hovered over the waters.  God loved the world He made ….. and He still does.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.”                  

Psalm 150: Sing Praise to the Lord, You People of Grace     LUYH 7
(Stanza 1: Choral Scholars; stanza 2-4: All)                                                      

Psalm 148: Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah                    LUYH 6:1,3                            

Advent Expectation

Reflection: God’s story slowly unfolded over centuries as His people waited and watched with prayerful expectation for a Savior to be born.  Then at last it was Christmas.  Angels sang and shepherds saw the glory of the Lord and the virgin Mary pondered the great things that God had done.  He Himself had come here in the most unlikely of ways – as a tiny, helpless infant named Jesus.  Consider the wonders of God’s love as we sing about Messiah’s birth.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.”

Anthem: Imagine                                                             LUYH 72

*Carol: On Christmas Night                                                 LUYH 89                           

Christ's Life and Ministry 

Reflection: Jesus began His ministry by announcing that the kingdom of God was breaking in.  
And here’s how people could tell:  The deaf could hear.  The blind could see.  Even the dead were raised.  In Jesus’ kingdom the last were first, and the humble were exalted, and those who were considered great were those who served.  Jesus promised rest to the weary and forgiveness to those who trusted in Him.  Jesus’ earthly ministry gives us a taste of what the future will be like when His kingdom has fully come.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.” 

Song: To My Precious Lord                                    LUYH 136 
(Stanza 1: Solo; refrain and stanza 2: Choral Scholars; refrains and stanza 3: All)                                              

Anthem: Blest Are They                                          LUYH 117
(Congregation will join the choir on refrains at cue of director)


Christ's Passion and Exaltation 

Reflection: Jesus died for us on an instrument of torture called a cross.  The perfect Lamb of God laid down His life for sinners.  We have been redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.  But on the third day the tomb was empty;  Jesus had burst the bars of death and triumphed over the grave.  Our Savior is risen!  He is alive again and He lives and reigns forever!  Tonight we praise Him.  One day we will see Him.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.”

Anthem on Psalm 118: Give Thanks to God                 LUYH 196

*Song: Oh, to See the Dawn                                    LUYH 177                               


Joining in the Spirit's Work

Reflection: The wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing here tonight. The fire of the Holy Spirit is blazing here among us.  The Spirit of Christ is moving deep inside our hearts.  The power of the Spirit unleashed on Pentecost Sunday continues to move the church and enable its mission to go forward.  And here in the church we get a front row seat on what the Lord is doing in our communities and across the world. 

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.”

Song: We Are Called                                            LUYH 296
(Stanza 1 and 2: Choral Scholars; stanza 3: All)                                     

Prayer: Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading              LUYH 320:1-3
(Stanza 1: Choral Scholars; stanza 2 and 3: All) 

Trusting the Triune God

Reflection: The Apostle Paul wrote the church in II Corinthians 4:  “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”  Let us never lose heart.  The Lord is near; He is with us; He will help us.  No matter what has happened, and no matter what happens next, we can depend on the faithfulness of our God.  His promises never fail. 

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.”

Psalm 42: As the Deer Pants for the Water                LUYH 332
(Stanza 1-3: Choral Scholars; refrain following stanza 2 and 3: All)                                             

Hymn: God, We Sing Your Glorious Praises                LUYH 519
(At this time an offering for …..will be received)

Hope For Things to Come 

Reflection: People of faith find themselves looking ahead with a sure and steady hope.  We keep up the prayer the church has already been praying for centuries:  “Your kingdom come.”  We anticipate the day that is surely coming when all of our cries for peace and healing and justice will be fully and completed answered when the Lord makes everything new. 

Jesus said:  “I am coming soon.”  “Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus.”

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.”

Hymn: There in God's Garden                                  LUYH 684
(Stanza 1: Choir; st.2: all women & girls; st.3: all men & boys; st.4: choir; st.5-6: all in unison)                              

Song: I Am the Bread of Life                                   LUYH 842 
(St.1: Solo; st. 2: Choral Scholars, st. 3: Choir; st. 4: All)                                                            

Sent Out

*God’s Parting Blessing

*Doxology: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow           LUYH 965

*Postlude: Postlude on “All Creatures of Our God and King    LUYH 551

Postlude on “Rejoice, the Lord Is King                              LUYH 224         

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