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Conversation with N.T. Wright
A conversation with N.T. Wright exploring themes from his plenary address: Praying the Psalms: Personal, Pastoral, Theological and Liturgical Reflections.
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Matthew D. Kim on Preaching with Cultural Intelligence
Preachers who interpret scripture without paying attention to cultural, ethnic, and other differences in their congregation miss out on opportunities to build bridges to their listeners’ lives.
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Forgotten Ones: Worship and Pastoral Care
Many people have a vision for pastoral care that takes place in homes, hospitals, and institutions, often in times of crisis. But the prime place for pastoral care is in the community gathered for worship, when all who are able gather under the care of the Good Shepherd, and those who cannot attend are still remembered and named.
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Providence, Preaching, and Pastoral Care
In this session philosopher John Cooper presented key points in the theology and philosophy that undergirds our understanding of God's providential care in a world where terrible things happen all the time. Why do bad things happen to good people? Scott Hoezee connected these thoughts to the pastoral care that preachers can provide from the pulpit. This session aimed to be both rigorously thoughtful and pastorally practical for the life of the church.
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