Reformed Worship

A quarterly print magazine that provides practical help and support to worship planners

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, 2024
Worship Planning and Leading
  • 48 illustrated pages in each issue of ideas, tips, and practical advice on planning, structuring, and leading your church in worship: no advertising, only solid pick-up-and-use resources and perspectives.
  • a great way to enrich your worship with biblical insights from a Reformed perspective.
  • a valuable resource supporting traditional, contemporary, and blended types of worship services.
  • visit the website for the blog, articles from past issues, with a login section for subscribers.

Who reads Reformed Worship?

A. Thousands of people in many different churches from many denominations. Some churches order multiple copies so that everyone on their worship committee or worship planning team has a copy. Most subscribers save all their back issues and refer to them often. For example, every fall issue (mailed in August) includes a wide range of planning resources for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. The advanced search feature on the home page lets you search for articles on specific themes or topics.

Q. Where does Reformed Worship get its content?

A. From readers like you--whether you’re a volunteer worship geek, choir director, artist, or ministry staff person; whether you’re from a small church or a large church, a rural, suburban, or urban setting.

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