Glenda Brown on Dealing with Different Time Orientations
Glenda S. Brown explains an important lesson from The Crossing Baptist Church’s year of multicultural learning.
Multilingual Worship: How to include many languages
Learn why and how congregations are using multiple languages in the same worship services—rather than having each cultural group worship alone in its own language.
C. J. Kingdom-Grier on Asian Concerts of Prayer
C.J. Kingdom-Grier and Emily Brink presented at worship symposia in Bangladesh and Nepal. Kingdom-Grier shares a highlight.
Paul Strong on Praying with Seeking God’s Face
Paul Strong, a returning citizen, explains why he begins each day with Seeking God’s Face: Praying with the Bible through the Year by Philip H. Reinders.
Kristin Kobes Du Mez on The Forgotten Woman’s Bible
Kristin Kobes Du Mez, who teaches history at Calvin College, talks about her forthcoming book, The Forgotten Woman’s Bible.
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Revealer
How do we humans know what we know or, at least what we think we know? The question of knowledge is one of the most centrally important—and vexingly complex—issues facing humankind today, and cries out for a solid, appropriate answer.
Worship Resources for September 11
Resources for remembering September 11
Todd Cioffi on Congregational and Ministry Studies
Todd Cioffi, professor of Congregational and Ministry Studies at Calvin College, explains why word of mouth brings students to this new department.
Congregational and Ministry Studies: How any Academic Major Can Bless the Church
Calvin College’s new Congregational and Ministry Studies department helps students explore how their gifts and interests intersect with the work of the church in serving God’s kingdom.
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Protector
The source of this sturdy confidence, this quiet tranquility and hope? It is anchored in the confident trust Jesus’ community puts in his promise to them: “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Illuminator
In order for God’s Word to achieve its Divinely intended purpose and effect, such an “Aha! That’s me!” response must happen within the hearts of those who read and hear it.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Veterans - Suggestions for Pastors
These resources for pastors are provided as many voices are calling for the church to be a significant partner in the complex readjustment process of returning home for military veterans.